Manchester City V Arsenal pre-match thread.

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GaudinoMotors said:
TCIB said:
GaudinoMotors said:
Come on City!!
From up a mountain in Switzerland

(Have given season tickets to someone so no empty seats)

Posh c**t, fuck of back to your steak tartare and taking pics of edelweiss :-D

Got some crackers of her

(In mitigation - here on a mountain rescue course)

Why the fuck would you want to rescue a mountain for ? ..............PS...could I have some of the pics off edelweiss for research reasons of course.........oh,and COME ON CITY.......TEAR THE ARSE A NEW ARSE !
pudge said:
LFC-Fans said:
BigOscar said:
Well of course he is, who is even close?

Di Maria is the only one I can think of...

Di Maria or Silva? That's a tough one

Oh well of course the Manchester City fan thinks one of their players is the greatest in the prem.

Di maria or Silva? Is that not a fair comparison?
Sunnysideupp said:
LFC-Fans said:
jimharri said:
What about Hazard?

HAZARD!!!! That's the one.

Hes definitely ahead of Silva.

I'd pick Janujaz..

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