Damocles said:
I undurstood long time ago the difficulty of the "must win" games.
I also agree with all those saying that it is stupid to judge players on the basis of their wages.
On the other hand, only for the sake of my desire to see City to take the place It deserves amongst the biggest Clubs, I must say that what I saw from the midfielders during this first half is the closest definition of disgrace!
Tthanks to refereeing team to easy us a very late and poor wake up from the bed.
Players must understand either the fortune of earning money from doing the most enjoyable activity of human life and the meaning and the responsability the shirt of a Great Club!
Each and every fixture.
I would disagree there Mancio. I think we are being professional about the game.
We've had a large amount of highly charged games in a short period of time, and we are seeing this one out whilst expending the least amount of energy.
I respect Your view, Damocles, Pal. Insofar yr. assessment is definitely very much more informed than my tv watching from far away, I welcome it as a great relif.
nonetheless, just because of your knowledge, at least, U will agree with me when I say:
- petrov is a stubborn mule who thinks that playing football is only shooting from every part of the pitch, irrespectively of the rushes, moves and whatsoever effort made by his mates to dictate pass and stretch the game;
- ireland, who is supposed the one appointed to furnish quality to a midfield of almost quantity, might be rated average at passing by his mum, being a cool rate more properly poor. please don't tell me about the "assist", that actually was a tempo wasting mistake resulted in offside.
- gareth and nigel, which Ioverall consider excellent players, are at least very tired.
My experience of life teached me that there is no worth in being negative and defeatist, one this basis I earn fm Your lesson, but on the other hand, if I've understood anything about football is that games are winned or lost starting from midfielders performance and, sadly, our midfield is overall average and turns to poor when application and commitment are understated.
Next months will be pivotal for City's future, being a matter of fact that, if a Club cannot offer a Champions League stage, top players will never join and the best money can buy will remain stuff like robinho. That why I perahps exceeded in showing my frustration and, if I hurted the feelings of any bluemoon mate, I apologize.