gordondaviesmoustache said:
ifwecouldjust...... said:
The only class war that is being waged is by this Government..........
If it puts one person off doing a worthwhile course, bettering themselves (and society) then its the wrong policy........
You will also note that I do not stand in favour of any political party. I treat them all with the same disdain. As far as I am concerned MP's lost all credibility with the expenses scandal (and they are still at it and have learned nothing) and their false wars
Is this your catchphrase? I'm pretty sure I've seen you post it once or twice before.
My view is that the people who run this country should live our lives
simples * really
People who make decisions about our education system should use our education system (over 70% of all MP's are privately educated)
People who make decisions about our health service should use our health service.(with the same levels of service that we receive) and not be entitled to go private.(paid for by me and you)
People who make decisions about Policing should not be entitled to claim £2000 per year to pay for security measures at both of their homes.
People who make decisions about our transport infrastructure should not be able to claim for first class rail travel /take free annual season tickets from train companies / travel in a limo (cost to taxpayer £110,000 per annum each).
People who make decisions about tax and VAT should not be allowed to claim for items such as a new TV / Duckhouse etc or submit an expenses claim for petrol costs without any justification. (one MP claimed over £16,000 in one year ,simply for petrol)
People who make decisions about the tax structure of this country should not be entitled to hide their £61 million trust fund in the Caymen Islands (Gideon / George Osborne) and save themselves £1.6 million a year in tax.
People who make decisions that result in the closure of libraries , the withdrawl of public facilities should not be allowed to spend £56 million launching 112 tomahawk missiles and a further £3.2 million a day maintaining the no fly zone over Libya.
People who make decisions about Mortgage rates should not be entitled to buy a second home and not pay interest charges(interest reimbursed through the expenses system)
People who decide that they will apply a 'flight tax' should not be able to claim for the transport costs of their family (up to the age 18) for trips any where in Europe.
ohhhhh I could go on
Only when they live our lives can we say that
we are all in this together