Mancini - 5 Year Contract

I like how the sun reports him to have signed a £37M deal yet the MEN states is a £26M deal....

Shows how very little of a clue the British media has on anyone's salary/wages
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I've got an idea. In order that Billy can 'honour' his bet, I am genuinely prepared to give up posting on Bluemoon for a week at the start of the season if I can find another twelve posters to reciprocate. Thus the equilibrium of the universe will remain intact.

Any other takers?
As im heading to spain on the 18th I'm in (:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
I like how the sun reports him to have signed a £37M deal yet the MEN states is a £26M deal....

Shows how very little of a clue the British media has on anyone's salary/wages

It's a scale of the paper's credability mate. The higher figures they report, the less credability the paper has. It is that simple.
SamTheGuru said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
I like how the sun reports him to have signed a £37M deal yet the MEN states is a £26M deal....

Shows how very little of a clue the British media has on anyone's salary/wages

It's a scale of the paper's credability mate. The higher figures they report, the less credability the paper has. It is that simple.
In that case its probably about £10m then, because evening news doesn't have much credibility with regards to city either.
I think it is great news that he has been renewed. I was unsure about him but he has defo proved his worth.

My only challenge is that he has been given 5 years. Don't see many that long nowadays.
Best news all summer, this, imho. I'm not bothered about past disagreements or bets between fighters I don't even know. All I'm bothered about is City, Mancini has taken us this far and the best is yet to come. 5 years more is plenty of time to put even more of a stamp on the club, the bloke is the right man for the job, the owners agree and that is that. Past bickering is not even slightly important, it is what it is and we all support City.

Bring on the new season! #together
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
I like how the sun reports him to have signed a £37M deal yet the MEN states is a £26M deal....

Shows how very little of a clue the British media has on anyone's salary/wages

The Sun are assuming we will win every trophy in sight so Mancini will pick up all his bonus payments. I can go with that.

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