Mancini interview on OS

Pam said:
I don't know why people get so upset about anyone waving imaginary cards around. We chant "off off off" every chance we get, as do the fans of every other club on the planet. Too much is made of this.
blue 45 said:
bluwes said:
bellamys dodgy knee said:
He doesnt look himself tonight, looks disappointed about something ?

Judging by his Sky interview, he feels he let himself down by waving the imaginary card.
i dont remember all this fuss when every liverpool player demanded balo to get sent off and yes king kenny as well
spot fkn on well said
Perhaps one if these interviewers will have the balls to ask Ferguson if his foul mouthed tirades at fourth officials are appropriate one if these days.
rastus said:
\he said he did it in the heat of the moment after having Barry sent off, something like that

Dont like seeing it but you cant blame him. From the crazy sending off for Balo at Pool where all the Pool players were waving cards and surrounding the ref, to again Adams fouling about 10 times withoug action, to the missed elbox to the ribs by Skirtle on Dzeko, the penalty for handball not given and then no card for them for the penalty when it was at least a yellow. Probably feels he needs to do it to remind the refs of the rules
Allowing Sky to set the anti-blue agenda once again. They are really shitting it aren´t they trying every trick known to man?
Bob got rightly frustrated and made a valid point about the scouse assassin. Skirtel should have been booked for the Dzeko challenge not to mention the 2 pens he should have given away, BOTH bookable offences RIGHT IN FRONT of the ref and NO mention from our friends at Sky.
Bob showed total contrition for something every other PL manager would have shrugged off and denied
The measure of the man

Oh and btw for me there´s nothing worse than a pro trying to get a fellow pro booked or sent off - it stinks and refs should stick firmly to the new guidelines and book players who do it - sends a message clear and direct
Its getting to him, the card bit wont make it any better. we have enough " city haters " without mancini giving them ammunition
bluwes said:
bellamys dodgy knee said:
He doesnt look himself tonight, looks disappointed about something ?

Judging by his Sky interview, he feels he let himself down by waving the imaginary card.

But how many managers go across to the fourth official demanding that so and so should have been sent off without waving an imaginary card. The waving of the card last night was as near as he could get in the moment to a somewhat imperfect attempt at asking the fourth official "WhataTFa isa goina onna ina thisa matcha thata allowsa Skrtela to-a staya ona the pitcha!" I absolve him.
bluwes said:
bellamys dodgy knee said:
He doesnt look himself tonight, looks disappointed about something ?

Judging by his Sky interview, he feels he let himself down by waving the imaginary card.
I thought in waving the imaginary card Roberto was being ironical. I mean, the referee's performance drifted from the incompetent into the morally questionable. He'd have got more than an imaginary card waved in his face had I got hold of him last night....

And that's two players sent off against the victims because of their cheating players. Something needs to be done about them, they're a bunch of degenerates.
He didn't even wait to be asked specifically about it to apologise, fair play to him.

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