Mancini is a very good coach, but...

Blue Haze said:
Going to wait until the end of the season to decide.

Personally, I'd love to give the prodigy Villas Boas all the money he wants and see what happens. Bet it would be spectacular.
Yep. But for right now, Bobby Manc's doing the job for me.
Against Sunderland & the 2nd half against the rags. Mancini proved his side can go for the throat. lets hope he has learnt his lesson & will let them off the leash. Even Barry went forward in the 2nd half at Wembley. Best he's played for a long time. So lets give our manager more time. Over the years we have changed our manager to quickly.
Dax777 said:
If you have some money and wanna win a few trophies, there is none better or even close to the special one. Jose Mourihno!!!

sniff,sniff...think i smell a rag.
Have you not been fukd off before.

He's just our resident doubter.
Fuck me a Mourinho thread, haven't had one of these for a while...

I'm hoping someone makes another Balotelli one.....

Or,for that matter,any other topic relating to the first thought that comes into their heads....
Gelsons Dad said:
"I want that one, and that one, and that one"

We have an excellent manager. I'm looking forward to when we go head to head with the special one.
Mancini vs. Mourinho. Champions league bout. I see it already. :D

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