Mancini it could've been so different.


Well-Known Member
22 May 2004
There is a god Barry's gone!!!
Right I have been hughly impressed by Mancini since he has come to the club. Last night he got a number of things so fucking wrong and his decisions has lead to huge media attention which we dont need in my opinion all negative.

Watching the match when he decides to bring of Dzeko for De Jong at 2-0 down was the biggest what the fuck is he doing here. If your chasing a game and taking off a forward bring on a forward. No wonder Dzeko came off dumb founded at the move. IF it was any other manager they would of brought Tevez on for him and doing so we wouldnt have all the shit that happend after it.

Regarding Mancini and his Tevez after match comments. He handled it the wrong way big time in a interview to come out and say what he said is crazy. This should of been done in the dressing room not on the media. Tevez refusing to play Mancini is right to never play him again if he wishes but he didnt need to come out in the media to say it. Everyone knew during the game he refused to play so there is no way back why highlight it again. Its things like this that can make or break a manager I hope it makes Mancini but its a huge risk to take.
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

He brought of Dzeko for De Jong to calm the game down and avoid us conceding a 3rd goal. When this happened it was his plan to bring on Tevez, but we all know what happened there. When tevez refused to come on it fucked up Mancinis plan, his tactics. From then on we were getting nothing out of that game. Mancini had a plan, Tevez shat on it
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

It's ok saying we were chasing the game, but in reality we were getting over run in midfield and he needed to bring on DeJong to try and get a foot hold, it's not like Dzeko was the only forward on the pitch, it didn't work but i can safely say if Munich had scored another couple without him making that change he be getting crucified on here for not doing it.
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

leighton said:
Right I have been hughly impressed by Mancini since he has come to the club. Last night he got a number of things so fucking wrong and his decisions has lead to huge media attention which we dont need in my opinion all negative.

Watching the match when he decides to bring of Dzeko for De Jong at 2-0 down was the biggest what the fuck is he doing here. If your chasing a game and taking off a forward bring on a forward. No wonder Dzeko came off dumb founded at the move. IF it was any other manager they would of brought Tevez on for him and doing so we wouldnt have all the shit that happend after it.

Regarding Mancini and his Tevez after match comments. He handled it the wrong way big time in a interview to come out and say what he said is crazy. This should of been done in the dressing room not on the media. Tevez refusing to play Mancini is right to never play him again if he wishes but he didnt need to come out in the media to say it. Everyone knew during the game he refused to play so there is no way back why highlight it again. Its things like this that can make or break a manager I hope it makes Mancini but its a huge risk to take.

Being diplomatic and acting like everything is fine infront of the cameras didn't really do any good for two years did it?
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

leighton said:
Right I have been hughly impressed by Mancini since he has come to the club. Last night he got a number of things so fucking wrong and his decisions has lead to huge media attention which we dont need in my opinion all negative.

Watching the match when he decides to bring of Dzeko for De Jong at 2-0 down was the biggest what the fuck is he doing here. If your chasing a game and taking off a forward bring on a forward. No wonder Dzeko came off dumb founded at the move. IF it was any other manager they would of brought Tevez on for him and doing so we wouldnt have all the shit that happend after it.

Regarding Mancini and his Tevez after match comments. He handled it the wrong way big time in a interview to come out and say what he said is crazy. This should of been done in the dressing room not on the media. Tevez refusing to play Mancini is right to never play him again if he wishes but he didnt need to come out in the media to say it. Everyone knew during the game he refused to play so there is no way back why highlight it again. Its things like this that can make or break a manager I hope it makes Mancini but its a huge risk to take.

We were getting battered in midfield, he brought NDJ on to shore that up and to recycle possession quicker, Dzeko / Aguero can't score if they don't get the ball. Good substitution in my opinion.
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

That change was perfectly fine. The main problem was that we could not get close to them in midfield. Swapping a striker for a striker would not have changed that. How could we have scored if we didn't have control of the midfield?

Football fans in this country are generally stupid and think that to score a goal you have to throw strikers on willy nilly. Thankfully, football is more complex than that.
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

leighton said:
If your chasing a game and taking off a forward bring on a forward.
Pretty much what he was intending to do. he just thought it was more urgent to get De Jong on first to calm things down a bit.
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

I cant disagree with what you have put - it pains me to say.

I cant deny that last night hurt. Something must have happened at halftime we are not aware of as the whole second half we were flat as anything. It was as if Mancini was damned whatever move he made next.

But as you was a strange tactical substitution to make.

He looked shell shocked - and really Kiddo or platt should have got a grip of him and said - say nowt till the dust settles.

He has gone out on a limb.

Its a back him or sack moment - and that saddens me as with what he has done and where we are - he and we dont need this at this moment in time
Re: Mancini it could of been so different.

This is what clueless rags and journo's come out with but it's not as simple as bringing a striker off for a midfielder. We were getting destroyed in the midfield by Bayerns 5 in midfield and desperately needed an extra body in there to try and even it up. No point having 4 strikers on the pitch when you can't get and then keep the ball. Personally, I would of brought off Nasri who was utter dogshit instead of Dzeko and moved Aguero out wide that's the only thing I think Mancini got wrong with that substitution.

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