Mancini Not Average nor Out of his Depth


Well-Known Member
7 Jan 2009
Bonol wrote on the matchday thread:

"We are total shite. No leader, a manager who is out of his depth and cant speak the lingo. What the fuck was sacking Hughes all about. Set us back another year and another manager, becauase Mancini will not be hear long, he got no idea what to do."

Masterwig wrote:

"Can't keep dwelling on what happened back then. Defeats against Hull, Everton twice and drawing at Sunderland and Stoke plus that toothless game at home to Liverpool have hit us just as badly under Mancini.

Mancini came in with a job to do. At the moment he has been average, let's see if he can mastermind something special."

The fact is that Mancini has been neither average nor do his statistics suggest he is out of his depth. Manager performance for the top seven to date:

Ferguson average points 2.23
Ancelotti average points 2.17
Wenger average points 2.16
Mancini average points 1.85
Redknapp average points 1.83
O'Neill average points 1.70
Benitez average points 1.65
Hughes average points 1.61

As Kippaxwarrior has said 'the damage was done in the Autumn'. Mancini is doing extremely well and is far from out of his depth. New to the league, problems with the team and fewer home games yet very good average points!
Mancini is a fine manager and tactically is becoming more climatized to the Premier League with more attacking displays (Fulham, much of today when the players could be arsed). Only problem is the personnel, wild inconsistency and still a lack of full cohesion. Give him two transfer markets and more time with the players he wants, then judge him.
shadygiz said:
sigh...stats dont win us games or get us the points

But that's exactly what they have done - the figures I quote totally reflect games won and points to date!! You are right in that they may not in the future but they have done to date. The problem is that Mancini is not a miracle worker and has not been able to produce results that have turned around Hughes averages...

The figures I quoted are facts - Mancini is currently the 4th best performing manager in the league points wise.
he's no lemon, i would'nt have sacked hughes mainly because it was a silly time to do so, that does'nt make bob a bad manager and he certainly is'nt out of his depth. people got giddy with the start he made but in truth those games were very winnable. i think he has made progress within himself if not on the pitch, we did well at chelsea and fulham. tonight he was cheated out of the points by a bent ref so we should'nt be too hard on him.

as for giving him 2 or 3 windows to get it right i just dont see him getting that amount of time.
de niro said:
he's no lemon, i would'nt have sacked hughes mainly because it was a silly time to do so, that does'nt make bob a bad manager and he certainly is'nt out of his depth. people got giddy with the start he made but in truth those games were very winnable. i think he has made progress within himself if not on the pitch, we did well at chelsea and fulham. tonight he was cheated out of the points by a bent ref so we should'nt be too hard on him.

as for giving him 2 or 3 windows to get it right i just dont see him getting that amount of time.

I agree entirely with your post - I wouldn't have sacked Hughes but not to judge Mancini on his own performance alone rather than the cumulative points of himself and Hughes seems misplaced. Yet many on here seem to do so.
Totally agree bad call sacking Hughes mid season.. never mind Mourinho's on his way

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