Mancini/Pellegrini rumours (10/05/13) (cont)

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momo88 said:
BlueAnorak said:
So whether Mancini is going or not, Txiki has a lot to f*cking answer for his indiscretion. Rank amateurism in it's purest form that has a lot to do with our defeat. This leak clearly upset the team's preparation as they clearly had a problem being motivated for today's game - normally a sign that a team is not happy about what is going ion behind the scenes.

So why the Wigan one are not upset ?Martinez is also going out ?
no here we are talking about afinal the fact that city lost has nothing to do with what The mastro mancini say. the team got beaten by Wigan (starting 11 that cost less than 15m) because of rubbish tactic (yeah football is also about tactics) the same against Everton, Ajax real ...... all matches were city didn't lose because it was a close game but beaten from the 1st to the last minute outplayed in the game ....

So what will make A DZEKO, Hart, silva, toure, ....... not happy with mancini being replaced like any manager replaced (for whatever reason)? since no player( by the admission of hiw own ex players) have a relationship with him

Spot on. There's nowhere to hide on this one.

If we hadn't lost to similar tactics from much poorer clubs dozens of times before, then I'd agree.
BobKowalski said:
TommyBenarbia said:
Just a thought...

Do you not think that maybe the owners allowed these rumors to break when they did to make yesterday's game more difficult (in that it does affect the players and it will be on everyones mind). Thus getting the fans on side with the idea of Pelligrini when we lose in the final to a relegation threatened team?

I know it may seem a little too tactical but had we won, the idea of sacking a manager on the back of 3 trophies in 3 1/2 years compared to sacking him at the end of a piss poor season would make the transition to a new manager more difficult. It's not like they have come out to rubbish the rumors and with an outfit as professional as ours, I think they'd be able to keep it under wraps with legalities. Let's be honest, winning the FA Cup doesn't hold the same value as it did. Especially for a club built to challenge in Europe and dominate their league.

I love that Mancini has given us an amazing few years (not that he is definitely going) but he has never really took the bull by the horns. We don't win comfortably under him, we always seem to scrape by. He wasn't backed last summer for a reason, not just because Marwood decided he doesn't like Mancini, there will be reasons more substantiated than that. Maybe it is time for change?!

From a HUGE Mancini fan.


Nah. On one hand you offer him a 5 year deal then refuse to back him in the market? Makes no sense. Its never a conspiracy. Its always a fuck up. Today was a fuck up. The season is now officially a fuck up. The whole world is a fuck up...ok I'm getting steamed up again. Deep breath.

If some of the rumors were true, both the club and Mancini had a 2-year get-out-of-jail-free card. It seems that Mancini (in the revelation that he was preparing for Monaco switch), and the club, had their reasons for being cautious.

As for backing him in the market, he didn't get negative on the transfers until a the season was in full swing. He voiced his opinion in the final few weeks of the window to try and force his hand, but he got plenty of new signings. Did he get all the superstars that he wanted? No. Should he need to replace Johnson and De Jong with 3 superstars? No.

I do know, however, that Rodwell was 100% Mancini's decision, and there's no way in FUCK that we'd have signed Maicon without Mancini demanding it. There's plenty of blame to go around, and Mancini gets a shitload of it.
Dethred said:
yatesy94 said:
Warning - Pissed off City fan who attended the game today, sat in the Gods.

No questions time to go Roberto. Still can't believe some fans still want him here all in the name of "stability". Fuck me people need to open their eyes. The football we have been playing the past year or so has been overly-cautious and stagnant it's unacceptable considering quality of players we have at this club, and today to go out in a prestigious cup final and get utterly torn apart by a relegated threatened side speaks volumes. Personally, I feel the squad would benefit from a bit of change. We've been found out numerous occasions this year and Mancini's tactics have been baffling to say the least (Tevez off for Rodwell?) and our owners/fans deserve better.

Pellegrini in please for the time being as a stopgap and then in Klopp or Pep if he fancies the challenge 3 or 4 years down the line as a potential long-term replacement.

A "diamond in the rough" type post right there. 100% correct.

If Pelligrini were to come in (which I don't think will happen) you'll be on his back within 6 months. Assuming you're not actually a rag anyway
ifiwasarichfan said:
TommyBenarbia said:
Just a thought...

Do you not think that maybe the owners allowed these rumors to break when they did to make yesterday's game more difficult (in that it does affect the players and it will be on everyones mind). Thus getting the fans on side with the idea of Pelligrini when we lose in the final to a relegation threatened team?

I know it may seem a little too tactical but had we won, the idea of sacking a manager on the back of 3 trophies in 3 1/2 years compared to sacking him at the end of a piss poor season would make the transition to a new manager more difficult. It's not like they have come out to rubbish the rumors and with an outfit as professional as ours, I think they'd be able to keep it under wraps with legalities. Let's be honest, winning the FA Cup doesn't hold the same value as it did. Especially for a club built to challenge in Europe and dominate their league.

I love that Mancini has given us an amazing few years (not that he is definitely going) but he has never really took the bull by the horns. We don't win comfortably under him, we always seem to scrape by. He wasn't backed last summer for a reason, not just because Marwood decided he doesn't like Mancini, there will be reasons more substantiated than that. Maybe it is time for change?!

From a HUGE Mancini fan.


Thats the same as saying the CIA were responsible for 9/11 because Bush wanted to get rid of Saddam.

They obviously can't influence the result but they can influence the mindset of the team/fans/manager going into a game. These guys get paid big bucks for a reason. Can anyone answer whether or not they can LEGALLY keep this appointment under wraps, if it's true?
BobKowalski said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
BlueAnorak said:
So whether Mancini is going or not, Txiki has a lot to f*cking answer for his indiscretion. Rank amateurism in it's purest form that has a lot to do with our defeat. This leak clearly upset the team's preparation as they clearly had a problem being motivated for today's game - normally a sign that a team is not happy about what is going ion behind the scenes.
I'm beginning to wonder if anyone at our fucking club knows what they're doing. I really am.

Oh god don't say that. I was rather enjoying the idea that we were employing top notch professionals to run things.

Been pondering this in my mind for a good 12 months.

There is something fundamentally wrong with the club I love: regardless of ownership

Some fucker needs to get a grip and take charge at the rush!
So does anyone know what Pellegrini's youth policy is like?

One of the things I don't like about Bobby is the lack of gametime he gives youth players. When we're winning comfortably I'd love to see a few of the kids given 30 minutes (not 30 seconds) here and there.
What we need is some professional Public Relations people in who can stop this sort of thing escalating. Mancini is right in saying that they should have put a stop to the speculation one way or another.

Get a new PR team sorted out ASAP.
ElanJo said:
So does anyone know what Pellegrini's youth policy is like?

One of the things I don't like about Bobby is the lack of gametime he gives youth players. When we're winning comfortably I'd love to see a few of the kids given 30 minutes (not 30 seconds) here and there.

Pellegrini's youth policy will be whatever Txiki says is his youth policy.
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