Mancini rules (in my opinion)


Well-Known Member
27 Aug 2008
I like Mancini. I like his style in interviews and I am happy with our current position. Many of his summer purchases are not up to Prem speed because of injury. Those that are would be welcomed in any squad in the prem. Ok so we are toothless at the mo but January is just round the corner and Balo will be back in a week so I am not worried.

The main reason for this post is to highlight the fact that almost every thread about Mancini has a negative subject, a post by someone with an axe to grind and a chorus of disagreement from the majority of blues who like me want to give him time to prove himself one way or the other. If a straw poll was taken using the subjects as data the conclusion would be that the majority of City fans want RM out which is wrong. I don't know if ADUG or the City management actually read this forum, they have claimed to in the past, but what kind of message would they get if they did!

It will probably make no difference but I am going to ask anyway. Mancini outers, you are in the minority. I object when anyone talks for me, especially when the message is not what I believe and I am sure I am not alone. Can I politely request that you clarify that the statement is your opinion only by putting "IMO" or "I Think" in the subject line.

I am off to shout at the cat for crapping in my shoes, secure in the knowledge that like my post on here it will make no fuckin difference, my shoes will just be as full of shit tomorrow!
cerebum said:
I like Mancini. I like his style in interviews and I am happy with our current position. Many of his summer purchases are not up to Prem speed because of injury. Those that are would be welcomed in any squad in the prem. Ok so we are toothless at the mo but January is just round the corner and Balo will be back in a week so I am not worried.

The main reason for this post is to highlight the fact that almost every thread about Mancini has a negative subject, a post by someone with an axe to grind and a chorus of disagreement from the majority of blues who like me want to give him time to prove himself one way or the other. If a straw poll was taken using the subjects as data the conclusion would be that the majority of City fans want RM out which is wrong. I don't know if ADUG or the City management actually read this forum, they have claimed to in the past, but what kind of message would they get if they did!

It will probably make no difference but I am going to ask anyway. Mancini outers, you are in the minority. I object when anyone talks for me, especially when the message is not what I believe and I am sure I am not alone. Can I politely request that you clarify that the statement is your opinion only by putting "IMO" or "I Think" in the subject line.

I am off to shout at the cat for crapping in my shoes, secure in the knowledge that like my post on here it will make no fuckin difference, my shoes will just be as full of shit tomorrow!

Spot on! I have more arguments now with City fans than I do with rag ones.....Some City fans just don't get it, what have we learned in the last 34 years without winning a trophy?..........Lets give Mancini 3 to 4 years and see where we are shall we.........
cerebum,agree totally with your opinion but i'm sorry but it's time to throw your shoes in the bin and break the cats neck
I am not and never have been against Mancini as a person. Negativity and weird substitutions have bugged me, but every manager has moments where his decisions will be questionable to fans.

It's his man management skills that really has me worried. Been reading of bust ups for the last year. The latest being Adam Johnson, the most worrisome with Carlos Tevez. We cannot afford to lose Tevez and Johnson, and it's very alarming to see him treat those relationships with such apparent disregard.

This is not something I ever had against him, even when Craig Bellamy left. But now it's Adam Johnson, and there's no evidence whatsoever that he's "too big for his britches" or whatever people want to say. We have evidence of one night out drinking, and this minor event has now spiraled way beyond all proportion of a 23-year-old drinking. We keep getting comments that the club doesn't want Adam getting too full of himself. Where's the evidence he is too full of himself? Because the comments from him have always been respectful and no one has ever suggested a locker room incident with him, or any argument with his manager. Why attempt to ruin a kid's form when he is brimming with confidence? I've never seen such a public ego beatdown for no reason in all the time I've followed professional sports. Managers in most sports try to encourage a youth when he is performing, and try to help him when he's not, and doesn't make public statements to the media disparaging him.

I wish Mancini would have an ability to diffuse these situations, good managers should have this ability. But it seem every week there is more unrest. The players don't have to like a manager, but why are we always facing a lost dressing room scenario? I don't believe the tabloids, but things are not pleasant within the dressing room at the moment, only a fool would believe that they are after getting booed off the field.
de niro said:
i like mancini, i think he oozes class, his tactics do my fucking head in but you can't help but like him.

we know , we know , but you are OT , the OP wasnt talking about gay love....

:O):O):O)<br /><br />-- Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:40 am --<br /><br />
NewbBlue said:
I am not and never have been against Mancini as a person. Negativity and weird substitutions have bugged me, but every manager has moments where his decisions will be questionable to fans.

It's his man management skills that really has me worried. Been reading of bust ups for the last year. The latest being Adam Johnson, the most worrisome with Carlos Tevez. We cannot afford to lose Tevez and Johnson, .

why ? this is what i really cant understand. the fear. top clubs can afford to lose their best players without any problems , they has the resource for sign a better ones.

i think you are reasoning as if City was still the "liccle city"
leave your shoes as they are

and stroke your f***ing cat

mod, turn negative postings upside down

could'nt we just do that
NewbBlue said:
We cannot afford to lose Tevez and Johnson, and it's very alarming to see him treat those relationships with such apparent disregard.

Johnson will go in Jan, Tevez - I hope stays forever but I feel we have another year and a half max from him.

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