Mancini rules (in my opinion)

mancityscot said:
I just feel he has fucked up with a lot of our players. Bellamy, onuoha etc.

?? Bellamy has played just the 6 games for Cardiff, and not been over impressive, the common consensus in Football is you can't have Bellamy around if he's not playing. 8 clubs & more managers in 10 years would suggest this. Onouha, are you kidding he's dross, one good game doesn't change that. He was absolutly awful against the mighty Newcastle oh and he's older than Boateng to boot!! Who's the etc? Ireland? Garrido? Weiss? LOL!

Mancini is truly a class act. Yes his tactics are taking a while to get used to. But having listened to the man speak and looking at the signings he's made I'm convinced he will not deploy defensive tactics for long.
Yes his substitution of Tevez Saturday left us all perplexed but just for one second put yourself in his shoes, nothing was working, and he saw an angle that many didn't, he is the first manager we have had who does what he thinks is best for team without thinking of the consequences for himself, it would have been easy to leave Tevez on, and just leave it, but Mancini had the balls to try something different with out considering the backlash he must have known he would get if it didn't work. I think every great manager needs balls. It didn't work, but Tevez wasn't playing well, and was trying to 'Gerrard' it, and I though he was hindering the team on this occasion. I remember Benitez taking Gerrard off in a derby at 0-0 and Liverpool won, was it a master stroke? Not according to pundits, and all people said "what would have happened if you didn't win?"
Any old fool can pick the team that everyone wants but that is not always the best for the team.Lest we forget that just 12 months ago we were in 8th and were drawing with the likes of Burnley 3-3 at home, that is no recipe for success. Mancini has without doubt imporved us, and most of this is with the dross that Hughes signed, SWP, JO, Lescott, Bridge and RSC, no wonder he makes weird subs, look what was on the bench against Birmingham, a load of Hughes' raggy dolls!
I totally agree that the Football needs to be better, and I'm sure Mancini will agree, but he needs time, he has only really signed 7 players, 3 of which are yet to really take part, Silva is pure class, Johnson looks sharp and bright on occasion but needs to improve, I'm sure training with players he does he will learn a lot, if he can't learn from Silva then God help him. Ya Ya looks exceptional in parts, awful in others, but against WBA he was outstanding as a out and out central midfielder, Milner needs to get used to playing in a team that dictates play and regain his confidence.
Mancini's regime has infinitely improved De Jong, Kompany and Tevez. He has also made ballsy decisions to replace Given with Hart, the safe option would have been to stick with Given, He removed Bellamy which to many his most controversial, but Bellamy is a bad egg, and has not exactly ripped up trees at Cardiff. When Bellamy's good, he very good, but when he's bad....... Wow

I think most rational City fans know that we have a great platform to build on, and that's thanks to Mancini now we need to step to the next level, and I'm sure Mancini is the man for this.

I am looking forward to this.
....................De Jong..................
..............Ya Ya..........Barry..........

Now that is a great side, and is most certainly not boring, negative or defensive.
I like Mancini because he plays good attacking football woth lots of goals

(well we can wish can't we)
A thread like this pops up every few days. I posted one the other day ("Right, can we please have some positivity?"). Unfortunately they don't create much response and et lost amongst all the spoilt brat threads!

Out of interest, were you at West Brom? Because I keep thinking the 1500 that went might be the only 1500 true supporters left!
Dennis Tuearts MGBGT said:
Are you joking ...4 years of this moron and we will struggle to get 10,000 through the gates even if we do win anything.
Its unwatchable.He's clueless and we are all bored with watching them.
Clueless he isn't.
All thought he was a genius after blackpool win and second in the table.
We've had a few results go against us and all of a sudden he's a muppet?!?!

I like the guy and his principles. Getting rid of the destabilising injury prone Bellamy was the best thing he could do.

He is building a formidable team and needs support not criticism from fickle fans.
Let's look back to last year.

We had a team that could attack and score goals but couldn't defend. All Mancini needed to do was tighten up the defence while keeping the balance and shape to provide an attacking platform. If he'd done that we would have finished in the top four and would have been challenging for the top spot this season.

Instead, what he actually did was castrate our attack and piss off loads of players. That's why people get upset. We needed some fine-tuning but we ended up with major reconstruction.
schfc6 said:
mancityscot said:
I just feel he has fucked up with a lot of our players. Bellamy, onuoha etc.

?? Bellamy has played just the 6 games for Cardiff, and not been over impressive, the common consensus in Football is you can't have Bellamy around if he's not playing. 8 clubs & more managers in 10 years would suggest this. Onouha, are you kidding he's dross, one good game doesn't change that. He was absolutly awful against the mighty Newcastle oh and he's older than Boateng to boot!! Who's the etc? Ireland? Garrido? Weiss? LOL!

Mancini is truly a class act. Yes his tactics are taking a while to get used to. But having listened to the man speak and looking at the signings he's made I'm convinced he will not deploy defensive tactics for long.
Yes his substitution of Tevez Saturday left us all perplexed but just for one second put yourself in his shoes, nothing was working, and he saw an angle that many didn't, he is the first manager we have had who does what he thinks is best for team without thinking of the consequences for himself, it would have been easy to leave Tevez on, and just leave it, but Mancini had the balls to try something different with out considering the backlash he must have known he would get if it didn't work. I think every great manager needs balls. It didn't work, but Tevez wasn't playing well, and was trying to 'Gerrard' it, and I though he was hindering the team on this occasion. I remember Benitez taking Gerrard off in a derby at 0-0 and Liverpool won, was it a master stroke? Not according to pundits, and all people said "what would have happened if you didn't win?"
Any old fool can pick the team that everyone wants but that is not always the best for the team.Lest we forget that just 12 months ago we were in 8th and were drawing with the likes of Burnley 3-3 at home, that is no recipe for success. Mancini has without doubt imporved us, and most of this is with the dross that Hughes signed, SWP, JO, Lescott, Bridge and RSC, no wonder he makes weird subs, look what was on the bench against Birmingham, a load of Hughes' raggy dolls!
I totally agree that the Football needs to be better, and I'm sure Mancini will agree, but he needs time, he has only really signed 7 players, 3 of which are yet to really take part, Silva is pure class, Johnson looks sharp and bright on occasion but needs to improve, I'm sure training with players he does he will learn a lot, if he can't learn from Silva then God help him. Ya Ya looks exceptional in parts, awful in others, but against WBA he was outstanding as a out and out central midfielder, Milner needs to get used to playing in a team that dictates play and regain his confidence.
Mancini's regime has infinitely improved De Jong, Kompany and Tevez. He has also made ballsy decisions to replace Given with Hart, the safe option would have been to stick with Given, He removed Bellamy which to many his most controversial, but Bellamy is a bad egg, and has not exactly ripped up trees at Cardiff. When Bellamy's good, he very good, but when he's bad....... Wow

I think most rational City fans know that we have a great platform to build on, and that's thanks to Mancini now we need to step to the next level, and I'm sure Mancini is the man for this.

I am looking forward to this.
....................De Jong..................
..............Ya Ya..........Barry..........

Now that is a great side, and is most certainly not boring, negative or defensive.

Just goes to show you don't need 10,000 posts on BM to make a decent contribution. Excellent analysis of why its well worth sticking with Mancini for the long haul. Good effort.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Let's look back to last year.

We had a team that could attack and score goals but couldn't defend. All Mancini needed to do was tighten up the defence while keeping the balance and shape to provide an attacking platform. If he'd done that we would have finished in the top four and would have been challenging for the top spot this season.

Instead, what he actually did was castrate our attack and piss off loads of players. That's why people get upset. We needed some fine-tuning but we ended up with major reconstruction.

For the record,
Beginning of season Dec 19th 2009;

Manchester City p17 f33 a27

1.94 goals scored per game
1.59 conceded

Dec 20th 2009 - End of Season;

Manchester City p21 f40 a18 +22

1.90 goals scored per game
0.85 conceded

He's obviously gone for a complete reshape this year, but last year, the stats suggest he did exactly what you accused him of failing to do.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Let's look back to last year.

We had a team that could attack and score goals but couldn't defend. All Mancini needed to do was tighten up the defence while keeping the balance and shape to provide an attacking platform. If he'd done that we would have finished in the top four and would have been challenging for the top spot this season.

Instead, what he actually did was castrate our attack and piss off loads of players. That's why people get upset. We needed some fine-tuning but we ended up with major reconstruction.
Just who exactly did he upset ?
Bellamy - pro-Hughes who was never going to like him anyway
Ireland - self inflated and not that good
Good riddance methinks..
The players Sparky bought in just weren't good enough therefore the need to re-build!

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