Mancini to Juventus speculation

C_T_I_D said:
Whether you like it or not José Mourinho has more pulling power when it comes to players wanting to join a team he manages than Roberto Mancini. Don't get me wrong I'd love Bobby Manc to stay because we all seem to have really taken to him and he's got us playing some fantastic stuff, but you don't turn down the special one if he can bring in players of the likes of Torres et al.

Personally I have no allegiance to either manager, I have allegiance to the club and I respect the owners decisions as I trust they'll do whats best for the short-term and long-term future of the club.

But are you seriously telling me that this management job isn't the hottest ticket in town at the moment? Let's see. Already having quality players like Tevez, Johnno, Adebayor etc and the opportunity to build upon that with unlimited funds at your disposal allegedly? This management job seems an impossibility to some, but the person who wins us our first trophy in longer than I care to remember will become an instant club legend.

I'm looking forward to next season regardless! Should be exciting times to come!

Possibly just about true, but not by much. Mancini is HIGHLY respected in Europe and I'm confident he could at least draw the very best talent from the Italian league, which would do very nicely.
BobKowalski said:
The Fixer said:
Man City will offer Mourinho unlimited funds to replace Mancini

mourinhoRoberto Mancini is not a dumb man and he knows the writing is on the wall and that he will not be at Manchester City next season even if he guides Tevez and co to fourth in the table.

Mancini has more or less said so himself and he cannot drop a bigger hint that his time is up at City than when he told the media he is ready to go back to Italy.

“I’m ready to go back, if and when there will be a possibility,” he said. “As for Juventus, they are going through a difficult period but we are talking about a club with history and prestige.
“How near I am to a return to Italy I don’t know, football is strange. It was probably right for me to broaden my horizons, but I will return sooner or later.”
The thing is he does know how near he is, it is very soon and the man that the Man City heirachy want to take over from him Jose Mourinho and they are prepared to offer him unlimited funds to entice him to Eastlands.

Reports from Italy are gaining momentum that Mourinho is Man City bound and that he will be offered a transfer kitty running in to hundreds of Millions.

The Man City owners feel that they need a manager who’s reputation is such that he can attract the worlds best players and Mourinho certainly fits that bill.

Another point to take on board is the now frequent outbursts from Mourinho in the Italian press, it really does look like he is laying the groundwork to depart Italian football this summer.

Mourinho to Man City is looking more realistic as each day goes by.


For the umpteenth time Jose does not have to do 'outbursts'. All City need to do is ask Jose of he wants the job and then stump up the readies to buy out the contract if he says yes.

Jose with an offer from City in his back pocket has no need to act like he did on the eve of Inter's CL match. Better by far if he just wins Serie A (which he is in danger of cocking up) and the CL, plonking both trophies on the Chairman's desk and saying thanks for the memories here is what you wanted I am now offski.

Jose to City would be more realistic if everyone concerned stop acting like a prize dick or is it beyond the wit of ADUG/the board to conduct a sensible negotiation without half the BM forum being privy to it?

Do I detect a hint of sarcasm with that last paragraph...

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