Mancini told CL form unacceptable in 1st meeting with Txiki

The Future's Blue said:
No Billy Boy, this is nothing to do with quotes or articles written, this is my personal view laid against those stories.

We have a story that says Mancini was in the last throws of signing for Monaco yet the story fails when it mentions he flew out to Rome shortly after the Arsenal defeat to sort the finer points.

We played Arsenal on Sunday, Brom on Wednasday and then again at the weekend. We know he took training Monday and did an interview for CItyTV Tuesday, so which day did he spend flying around completing these finer details?

Are you aware of how many visits Mancini made to Italy in the last third of last season?

Any why you're trying to argue the toss about a story which even City and Mancini have confirmed is true is beyond me. I guess because if you accept the truth, then it shows Mancini isn't the classy fella you think he is, but the ego driven greedy professional football coach that he actually is.

Like I say mate, it's not what I read, it's how I read it.

You read it wrong.

BTW ... the best way to stop people talking about the manager is probably not by starting a thread saying he's "safe" and then linking it to an article by a journalist you yourself called ... what were the words you used last week ?
Well over 50 years ago, as a lad, I loved to read the Billy Bunter stories by Frank Richards and as an adult I bought the facsimilies of the comics to read to my children. I can only assume Greg Stobart did this as well. The following is typical of the stories, though I have made it up,

"Mr Quelch, gown flowing and thunerous look upon his face, moved menacingly into the classroom. The fat owl of the remove felt the beak's gimlet eye drill into his very soul. "Bunter, your behaviour last evening was simply unacceptable." Quelch continued, quietly but increasingly threateningly, for several sentences as Bunter felt the tide of panic rising within him. Then Quelch introduced his cane into the proceedings, made Bunter bend over the front desk and brought the cane down, hard, on the tightest trousers in Greyfriars."

This came to mind immediately as I read Stobart's account of Wednesday's meeting - Begiristain very much in the Quelch role but Roberto hardly a convincing Bunter. But Stobart's account is just as much fiction as mine. Begiristain is not a gimlet-eyed judge and Roberto certainly no timid subject. Both are, of course, working in different capacities for the good of our club. It may be that the word "unacceptable" was used in reference to the Ajax match. It may have been about the defending on occasions, it may have been about the performance of the officials but I doubt that it was used about the full 90 minutes of blues activity. It may even have been used by Mancini himself, to explain what could happen when his transfer targets weren't acquired! But the focus of the meeting will have been on the future. "Where do we go from here?" And this is where the Stobart article is dishonest scandalmongering, not necessarily in the use of the word "unacceptable" but in suggestion and inuendo, of the implication that the club is in turmoil and the manager under threat. But the answer in the real meeting will not have been to bring the cane down on the tightest trousers in Greyfriars, in the form of the sack on the most elegant hairdo in the Etihad! The real answer will be ideas on "the way forward" - that's the Abu Dhabi way.
Gelsons Dad said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
ChrisNUFC said:
Forgive my naivety but how exactly does this fella know what was discussed at this meeting?
Perhaps someone told him?

Could be:
- Marwood having a dig.
- Soriano & Begiristain flexing their muscles.
- Guardiola (via S & B) putting the squeeze on.
- Khaldoon or the Sheikh sending a public message.
- the club starting to prepare the ground for Mancini's departure. have been right before and particularly on the Barca connection iirc so theyve clearly got good sources & my assumption would be they've got it from there again. So one of the first three in my view.

If Pep Guardiola's leaking details of a meeting between Txiki and Mancini my dick is a kipper!

I've never heard such nonsense.

It's bleedin obvious that if they had a meeting the CL results would be mentioned. This isn't rocket science. So If you want to give the impression to the gullible that you have inside knowledge you write this article and smugly pat each other on the back as the suckers take it in.
are you trying to say they don't have inside information,how dare you
BillyShears said:
The Future's Blue said:
No Billy Boy, this is nothing to do with quotes or articles written, this is my personal view laid against those stories.

We have a story that says Mancini was in the last throws of signing for Monaco yet the story fails when it mentions he flew out to Rome shortly after the Arsenal defeat to sort the finer points.

We played Arsenal on Sunday, Brom on Wednasday and then again at the weekend. We know he took training Monday and did an interview for CItyTV Tuesday, so which day did he spend flying around completing these finer details?

Are you aware of how many visits Mancini made to Italy in the last third of last season?

Any why you're trying to argue the toss about a story which even City and Mancini have confirmed is true is beyond me. I guess because if you accept the truth, then it shows Mancini isn't the classy fella you think he is, but the ego driven greedy professional football coach that he actually is.

Like I say mate, it's not what I read, it's how I read it.

You read it wrong.

BTW ... the best way to stop people talking about the manager is probably not by starting a thread saying he's "safe" and then linking it to an article by a journalist you yourself called ... what were the words you used last week ?
Right, let's put this into context. Mancini and the club have never stated that Mancini had concluded the finer details of a contract, what has been said is, from his own mouth, that he was contacted by 7 or 8 different clubs.The club have also stated that they understand that clubs will have contact with top managers, as they understand it happens with players. Nowhere does it state 'Finer Detail' so this says to me that it's been fabricated. Also, when this first broke my opinion was that yes, Mancini had been contacted and yes, a deal may have been put to him but at no time had he undertaken talks of accepting the contract. Why would he, we were top of the league while they were getting less than 5000 fans in the French 2nd Division?

Mancini was allowed to return to Italy to see his father, Aldo, by private jet, on numerous occasions, all paid for by the club. However, the article stated that he flew out shortly after the defeat which mean't it had to be either the Sunday night, instead of returning to Manchester, or Monday morning. The game finished at 6 on the Sunday but he was in taking training at 10 on the Monday. He could've flown out after that and got back to work the following morning to take the interview but where, with, at least a 8 hour round trip, did he fit all that in and go and see his ill father, especially at the clubs expense?

Tuesday was out of the question as we know that all the team get together for the day for preparation.

As for the reporter of the article I posted, I stated that he is a c*nt (for some reason you took exception?) and for that, I still believe the same. On the article though, it is quite clear from the exact wording that this has come from the club, not the reporter; in my eyes anyway. There is no way that he could have printed the fact that Khaldoon, Soriano, all the way up to Sheikh Mansour, are all supportive of Mancini if it wasn't given to him by our hierarchy.

Why he has been given it, only they know. Possibly 2 fold. One, to give the Guardian a shot across the bow about their recent form and secondly, to get the truth out there that we are, as they say, #Together. Two birds, one stone, and all that.

Off to fit my new bathroom now so I'll read your reply later mate. And if you want any other insight into my befangled mind, don't be afraid to ask ;)
The Future's Blue said:
BillyShears said:
The Future's Blue said:
No Billy Boy, this is nothing to do with quotes or articles written, this is my personal view laid against those stories.

We have a story that says Mancini was in the last throws of signing for Monaco yet the story fails when it mentions he flew out to Rome shortly after the Arsenal defeat to sort the finer points.

We played Arsenal on Sunday, Brom on Wednasday and then again at the weekend. We know he took training Monday and did an interview for CItyTV Tuesday, so which day did he spend flying around completing these finer details?

Are you aware of how many visits Mancini made to Italy in the last third of last season?

Any why you're trying to argue the toss about a story which even City and Mancini have confirmed is true is beyond me. I guess because if you accept the truth, then it shows Mancini isn't the classy fella you think he is, but the ego driven greedy professional football coach that he actually is.

Like I say mate, it's not what I read, it's how I read it.

You read it wrong.

BTW ... the best way to stop people talking about the manager is probably not by starting a thread saying he's "safe" and then linking it to an article by a journalist you yourself called ... what were the words you used last week ?
Right, let's put this into context. Mancini and the club have never stated that Mancini had concluded the finer details of a contract, what has been said is, from his own mouth, that he was contacted by 7 or 8 different clubs.The club have also stated that they understand that clubs will have contact with top managers, as they understand it happens with players. Nowhere does it state 'Finer Detail' so this says to me that it's been fabricated. Also, when this first broke my opinion was that yes, Mancini had been contacted and yes, a deal may have been put to him but at no time had he undertaken talks of accepting the contract. Why would he, we were top of the league while they were getting less than 5000 fans in the French 2nd Division?

Mancini was allowed to return to Italy to see his father, Aldo, by private jet, on numerous occasions, all paid for by the club. However, the article stated that he flew out shortly after the defeat which mean't it had to be either the Sunday night, instead of returning to Manchester, or Monday morning. The game finished at 6 on the Sunday but he was in taking training at 10 on the Monday. He could've flown out after that and got back to work the following morning to take the interview but where, with, at least a 8 hour round trip, did he fit all that in and go and see his ill father, especially at the clubs expense?

Tuesday was out of the question as we know that all the team get together for the day for preparation.

As for the reporter of the article I posted, I stated that he is a c*nt (for some reason you took exception?) and for that, I still believe the same. On the article though, it is quite clear from the exact wording that this has come from the club, not the reporter; in my eyes anyway. There is no way that he could have printed the fact that Khaldoon, Soriano, all the way up to Sheikh Mansour, are all supportive of Mancini if it wasn't given to him by our hierarchy.

Why he has been given it, only they know. Possibly 2 fold. One, to give the Guardian a shot across the bow about their recent form and secondly, to get the truth out there that we are, as they say, #Together. Two birds, one stone, and all that.

Off to fit my new bathroom now so I'll read your reply later mate. And if you want any other insight into my befangled mind, don't be afraid to ask ;)

He might have got the destination wrong.

The finer points may have been discussed in Manchester.

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