"Mancini - Under Pressure?" - new blog article


22 May 2004
Another good article on the blog, this time penned by Dave Green:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/Blog/index.php/2012/04/11/mancini-under-pressure/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/Blog/ind ... -pressure/</a>
Well done on producing a balanced and well thought-out piece.
I enjoyed reading that and pretty much sums up how I feel right now.
It will probably be inflammatory to a few on here though...........
A good and thoughtful commentary might not appeal to the short sharp shock lot who prefer than the for him against rants that have been on here since arsenal well donen its adds a lot to the debate

one point I think we are missed is the grand plan. I recall with a bit of mild shock the odd decision publicly acclaimed in many examples of vanity arrogance and ultimately hubris MCFC will will win 4 trophies ! We then pick our best team each match and might end up with nothing! It was a pressure Mancini put on himself and it was wrong and as we have seen impossible and always was, that's not me lacking ambition but prioritising

If we internalise one lesson next season it will be to give the excellent EDS players a chance to shine in the FA and Carling Cups and aim to win the league and getting as far as we can in Europe .

BTW I still think Mancini is a lame duck and we need to be creating a new narrative in football around positive changes of manager instead of the old style of sacking people in desperation months after they should have gone .Bringing in fresh ideas and innovation does not get a vote from the stick with it lets be stable majority but a new team in charge will unlock the riches we have @ MCFC Roberto has been too risk adverse and we have the foundations @ MCFC to take a few more chances than we do Fresh blood might seize that opportunity in a way Bobby Manc has uniquely failed to do
Re: "Mancini - Under Pressure?" - Mario explaindec..... Maybe

As the blog states Balotelli has been Mancini's 'Achilles Heel' but by all accounts if Mario decides to play the ball instead of the opposition then he has a significant influence in Manicini's ideal teamplay - like the 1-6 at the swamp.

So if Mario isn't just working his way to a planned exit could MCFC salvage Mario from self destruction and get him wanting to play the actual ball,


Mario Explained

This is not libellous as this is merely my individual opinion and written in some hope that supporters don’t vilify Mario and maybe someone with some influence (MCFC) might take note of help that Mario may be in need of:

1. I’m the biggest Mario fan (I would gladly forfeit any trophy for the shear excitement this season has given us).
2. Despite the above I’m without doubt that Mario intentionally stamped on Parker and intentionally kicked Song and intentionally sort to be sent off close to the final whistle.
3. Despite No1 above, Mario’s present situation was predicable by his denial over the Parker stamp and his continued addiction for attention (he knows live match coverage and bedding a fellow attention seeker will definitely expose his behaviour but that is a recognised trait of psychological imbalance, the thirst to seek attention rises to the point where you’ll even hurt those [Raffaella] they love).
4. I do not believe every adoptee has psychological imbalance.

Mario’s predicament is (IMO) easily explained:

Mario’s issues regarding his maternal parents is well documented, his childhood involved a fairly protracted physical illness which in my opinion probably meant his adoptive parents bestowed an over-proportional amount of attention and devotion (they sound like unquestionably fantastic parents).

Mario continues into his teens to be the recipient of over-proportional amounts of attention due to his unique football skills and finds himself as an adolescent with untold riches but no-one around him who ignores the riches/talent to be able to address his psychological issues like either a paternal role model or a professional psychologist could.

In normal life young adolescents with issues from their childhood tend to mature and overcome their personal issues however in an athletes case, their physical prowess will peak and pass long before their psychological maturity naturally peaks.

If Mario were in trouble in normal life (for assaulting others), judges would consider if correctional treatment might be of greater effect rather than just punishment. The FA, MCFC, Mancini and Prandelli should insist on Mario taking complete leave from club and country duties until 18th August 2012 for the purpose of receiving psychological therapy to help him recognise and overcome his personal troubles. He was sent to the US for ‘in house’ therapy for his knee. Now he needs a similar far off retreat for psychological therapy and re-acquaintance and resolution with ALL parents.

Statistics on the Effects of Adoption
Appendix A
Research and Studies on Adoptees
The results are in; the great human experiment failed! The effects are hardly noticeable with some, but extremely so with others. Moreover, for those whom the system was supposedly designed to benefit, the children, were failed the most. Many adoptees do not realize that their difficulties, at least in part, stem from simply having been adopted. All adoptees have effects from their adoption experience. The degree of the effects and symptomatic behaviors vary a great deal.
There are vulnerabilities shared by all adoptees. In those most vulnerable, a distinct pattern of behaviors can be seen. Some have labeled this the "Adopted Child Syndrome." (Kirschner)
Adopted 'children' are disproportionately represented with learning disabilities and organic brain syndrome. (Schecter and Genetic Behaviors)
Mental health professionals are surprised at the alarmingly high number of their patients who are adopted. Studies show an average of 25 to 35% of the young people in residential treatment centers are adoptees. This is 17 times the norm. (Lifton, BIRCO--Pannor and Lawrence)
Adoptees are more likely to have difficulties with drug and alcohol abuse, as well as, eating disorders, attention deficit disorder, infertility, suicide and untimely pregnancies. (Young, Bohman, Mitchell, Ostroff, Ansfield, Lifton and Schecter)
Adoptees are more likely to choose alternate lifestyles. (Ansfield and Lifton)
Alarmingly high numbers of adoptees are sent to disciplinary/correctional schools or are locked out of their homes [adoptive]. (Anderson and Carlson)
60 to 85% of the teens at Coldwater Canyon's Center For Personal Development, are adopted. That is 30 to 40 times the norm. The center is a private acute-care psychiatric hospital/school in Southern California. (Ostroff)
50 to 70% of the teens at The Haven in New Trier Township, Illinois, are adopted. That is 25 to 35 times the norm. The Haven is a resource center for street kids. (Henderson)
The secrecy in an adoptive family, and the denial that the adoptive family is different builds dysfunction into it. "... while social workers and insecure adoptive parents have structured a family relationship that is based on dishonesty, evasions and exploitation. To believe that good relationships will develop on such a foundation is psychologically unsound" (Lawrence). As John Bradshaw, the well-renowned therapist, says, "A family is only as sick as its secrets."
Secrecy erects barriers to forming a healthy identity. Sealed records implicitly asks for an extreme form of denial. There is no school of psychotherapy which regards denial as a positive strategy in forming a sense of self and dealing with day-to-day realities. (Howard)
Adoption is a psychological burden to the adoptee. The effect of this burden is known, but the origin is confused. Secrecy plays a part in it, but Nancy Newton Verrier, Ph.D., sources the difficulties to the separation of the newborn from the mother. The Primal Wound is the most recent and revealing work done on the effects of adoption on the adopted. In the author's own words, "I believe that the connection established during the nine months in utero is a profound connection, and it is my hypothesis that the severing of that connection in the original separation of the adopted child from the birth mother causes a primal or narcissistic wound, which affects the adoptee's sense of Self and often manifests in a sense of loss, basic mistrust, anxiety and depression, emotional and/or behavioral problems, and difficulties in relationships with significant others (21)." Verrier has been criticized for her work, but her response says it all, "The only people who can really judge this work, however, are those about whom it is written: the adoptees themselves. Only they, as they note their responses to what is written here, will really know in their deepest selves the validity of this work, the existence or nonexistence of the primal wound" (xvii).
Secrecy, denial, and the primal wound have all played a role in the effect adoption has on the adoptee, but there is still more. Having spent nearly eight years studying and working as a volunteer with over 1000 people affected by an adoption (nearly all adoptees and birthmothers); I have seen the effects of adoption.
Humans have a basic need to feel they are individually whole, yet part of a whole. For the adopted this can be difficult. Often adoptees feel they do not belong (Kirschner). It is very lonely and isolating to feel different from those you should feel the closest to, your family. Edin Lipinski, M.D., brings insight to these feelings:
In an existential sense, the past is as important to adopted people as their future. It is the present that is most troublesome. Not knowing where they fit into the spectrum of happenings is a great problem for them.

GD. Snodgrass: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.ansrs.com/statistics.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ansrs.com/statistics.htm</a>
For me we need to rid the team of distractions so move on Tevez and Mario. Mancini did this well initially, with Bellamy and Ade, and he needs to do the same now.

We need to develop a mental toughness away from home to keep clean sheets, we seemed to lose this in the 2nd half of the season.

He must insist on a disciplined approach by the players. We lost so many players for key games because they were banned.

Mancini must find a way to nick goals when teams defend deep. I'd suggest we develop our range of dead ball routines on the training ground for when we can't break teams down.

Finally add more quality in the centre of defence, a deep midfielder, a striker and a winger.

I think Mancini can move us on again but these things need addressing. His other problem will be how quickly we can start having had a lot of players away at the Euros.
"City were approximately 4/1 to win the title. In blunt terms, the bookies reckoned that if the league were played out five times, City would win it once."

Either I don't understand betting odds, or you don't.

Surely 4/1 means a 1 in 4 chance? 4 goes, win 1 of them? Not 5 goes to win 1. Isn't that 5/1?
I am a fan from Chennai, India. I am deeply hurt by M.City dropping crucial points at crucial moment towards Title Chase. I am reading several articles about City ready to sack Mancini which is hurting me more. As we fans from INDIA have high respect toward Roberto Mancini for bringing M.City as a great team that can fight for the Title. When I started following City, I heard several bad things about M.City’s attitude, Money power, egos but had a very confident hope that M.City will grow as a TOP with an authoritative leader in charge. With the arrival of Mancini, M.City investment proved its worth. He fine tuned M.City team into a Winning team.

Me being an optimistic fan, I am still confident that M.City will fight till the end for the title chase and win the PL title first time after 4 decades. We trust Mancini enormously that he can bring M.City to great height if he is the Manager for next 3 years. Kindly be wise in transfer market and scout very well so that we recruit cheap & the best player as possible. Kindly use academy players more and loan as much as you could .so that they gain experience more. True M.City fan.

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