Mancini wants to sign another 3 or 4 players

^ OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO That's why people say 'this'!!!!!

I'm learning alot as a man city fan now!
kennycar said:
Mancini's English has really come on recently.

I was thinking the same, and i like how he said he is enjoying managing in the english game.
Im gonna go;
#2 keeper (hard to say who)
either an oldskool versatile cm (gerrard/wilshere esque) or a winger
I think we will see:

Keeper (?)
Striker (Aguero)
Creative midfield type (Sniejder/Nasri)
winger (Cerci/Nasri)

or ...

Is one of these signings including Gudetti who we have apparently resigned from Twente, who picked him up on a Bosman, and so it would be

Keeper (?)
x2 Striker (Gudetti & Aguero)
Creative Mid type (Sniejder/Nasri)
BlueJill said:
Bluearmy said:
Im with you, why do we need another centre half...

Saying we have six is being generous:


Kolo will be out half the season and likely won't be back next year.

Ned is likely to be sold.

Lescott is not good enough for where we are going so if there is a young star available I can see Bobby grabbing Lescott's replacement now. If he does buy someone like Coates I see Boyata going out on loan to a PL club to get regular playing time leaving us a year from now with:


as our starting CB rotation (Also known as the best CB rotation in the PL)

With Lescott as a backup

My guess is we get four more:

Backup Keeper
CB or another technical player (Mata, Pastore please)

what about richards?
mancini said we needed 4 stirkers so if we have to buy 2 strikers as we know apachi is going and we all know we need another keeper as all squads have to have 3 then this will leave one place left for a midfielder.

id like craig gorden
wesley sneijder
sergio aguero
Alexis Sanchez

i think with guidetti,swp and Sanchez(who could all play upfront) we have plenty of other options uptop.
Next season the change in tactics will be 4231 rather than 433, but not for every game.
avoidconfusion said:

Skip to around 5:30

"We need players with good technique. For this we need to change some players."

To me, that means Lescott out. His technique is quite shocking really.<br /><br />-- Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:19 am --<br /><br />
foley87 said:
people who think barry will just be dropped are clueless.

hes a vastly underrated player and one that mancini is a massive fan

yes he may be dropped for certain games but be assured, in the big games where we need to keep it tight, he will play

Surely, he will be phased out this year, and start to take a Vieira role. Milner is 25 now and needs to be playing regular football, otherwise we are just wasting him as a talent.
Vienna_70 said:
BlueJill said:
Bluearmy said:
Im with you, why do we need another centre half...

Saying we have six is being generous:


Kolo will be out half the season and likely won't be back next year.

Ned is likely to be sold.

Lescott is not good enough for where we are going so if there is a young star available I can see Bobby grabbing Lescott's replacement now. If he does buy someone like Coates I see Boyata going out on loan to a PL club to get regular playing time leaving us a year from now with:


as our starting CB rotation (Also known as the best CB rotation in the PL)

With Lescott as a backup

My guess is we get four more:

Backup Keeper
CB or another technical player (Mata, Pastore please)

Why do so many people think Lescott is not good enough for us? He was absolutley fantastic once he came into the side and got a run of games. In fact, the VK / JL pairing was as good as any in the league last season, including Vidic and camel-gob.

Kolo will not be out half the season; he is eligible to play again in early September. That's only three weeks after kick-off. Savic was brought in to replace Boateng, I believe.

IMHO, Nasri / Sneijder are targets to compete with and take some of the pressure off Silva, not to play alongside him. I can't see Bobby changing his formation as radically as that. Maybe one of his targets is a Barry-type player to link NdJ and YaYa, again to add more competition for places in the starting XI.

And please let us sign Aguerro!
This This This. I am sick to death of Lescott getting slagged off, all due to a slow start. He was fantastic for the second half of last season. Give the guy a break.
If we are looking for an upgrade to Barry then it would have to be Javi Martinez, great defensively but can also play as ACMF. If fact he could replace Barry or even cover for De Jong. He's young and going to become one of the best!

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