Mancunian or city fan first ?


Well-Known Member
4 Sep 2010
The Blue Planet
For me its Mancunian first then CITY with a passion, its symbiotic, we complement each other. I love the passion of Mancunians and how we survive in the face of adversity and prosper, maybe thats why the sheiks were drawn to us, they know a good thing when they see it. ...
DortmundDummy said:
For me its Mancunian first then CITY with a passion, its symbiotic, we complement each other. I love the passion of Mancunians and how we survive in the face of adversity and prosper, maybe thats why the sheiks were drawn to us, they know a good thing when they see it. ...

inextricably linked for me.
fbloke said:
DortmundDummy said:
For me its Mancunian first then CITY with a passion, its symbiotic, we complement each other. I love the passion of Mancunians and how we survive in the face of adversity and prosper, maybe thats why the sheiks were drawn to us, they know a good thing when they see it. ...

inextricably linked for me.
Sometimes you manage to say so much in a few succinct words, but not as a rule :) Just joking obviously, I think the Las Vegas thread warms the hearts of all true Mancs, and your input is beyond fantastic. Thank you.
both really at the same time, when i think manchester i think city, when i think city i think manchester....
mcfcgaz said:
both really at the same time, when i think manchester i think city, when i think city i think manchester....
Yes YES and thrice yes... its a no brainer.......I love Manchester so much, its not the architecture or the location to me its purely the people, its what attracted me to Man City, the fans ARE special.
Chairman Wesker said:
SS117 said:
City, they're the love of my life.

they are mine too that includes you and every other blue in the world before 2008! the newer blues are welcome to be apart of our community but i cant say i love them no way.
Yep, just love the times like getting beat by Huddersfield Town and teams like that, just how they got our hopes up and then fail at the last second, being a City fan is everything you could ask for!
Mancunian first obviously through being born there, I am sad to admit it took me nearly 4 years to appreciate the merits of City ( yes, I know .......Rag!) but to be fair I was busy smacking my rag brother one.

Now i'm all grown up (allegedly) it is imposible to separate the two. I am so sad that I perk up when I hear, on the news "Manchester City" and deflate when it followed by the word council. There has been so much good news coming out of our club lately, Kolo excepted, that I love to hear about us whereas in the old days it was moe a case of "Oh fuck what now"
Are they not both of the same thing?
Ive always thought so, to separate them in any way just as being anything else to me is totally unthinkable.

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