Mancunian or city fan first ?

de niro said:
Are they not both of the same thing?
Ive always thought so, to separate them in any way just as being anything else to me is totally unthinkable.

I think that has some merit tbh, whenever I`m asked which team I support I reply " I`m a born and bred Mancunian" their response is ALWAYS "City then".
fbloke said:
DortmundDummy said:
For me its Mancunian first then CITY with a passion, its symbiotic, we complement each other. I love the passion of Mancunians and how we survive in the face of adversity and prosper, maybe thats why the sheiks were drawn to us, they know a good thing when they see it. ...

inextricably linked for me.

It's like asking about flesh an' blood! It's all of the same piece.
I'm not a Manc so City. Manchester's history makes it feel like it's my city more than a lot of Mancs I'd imagine. Don't have the accent though so I'm not a true belonger. Also, it's teacake where I'm from. Don't know where you lot come up with this barm/muffin shite.
Skashion said:
I'm not a Manc so City. Manchester's history makes it feel like it's my city more than a lot of Mancs I'd imagine. Don't have the accent though so I'm not a true belonger. Also, it's teacake where I'm from. Don't know where you lot come up with this barm/muffin shite.

I am not a manc either and I do not have an accent. So I'd say City.
Here's my take on it...Bit of Logic if you like.

I am Mancunian and therefore a City Fan ;)

-- Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:23 am --

Skashion said:
I'm not a Manc so City. Manchester's history makes it feel like it's my city more than a lot of Mancs I'd imagine. Don't have the accent though so I'm not a true belonger. Also, it's teacake where I'm from. Don't know where you lot come up with this barm/muffin shite.

Teacake!!!...Rag ;-)
SWP's back said:
Skashion said:
I'm not a Manc so City. Manchester's history makes it feel like it's my city more than a lot of Mancs I'd imagine. Don't have the accent though so I'm not a true belonger. Also, it's teacake where I'm from. Don't know where you lot come up with this barm/muffin shite.

I am not a manc either and I do not have an accent. So I'd say City.

I was born in Manchester so I consider myself a Mancunian, but I dont have an accent either.

I would also say City, however. All day, every day.
Skashion said:
I'm not a Manc so City. Manchester's history makes it feel like it's my city more than a lot of Mancs I'd imagine. Don't have the accent though so I'm not a true belonger. Also, it's teacake where I'm from. Don't know where you lot come up with this barm/muffin shite.

My wife sez 'teacake'. I tell 'er that teacakes have currants in 'em. No she sez, those are currant teacakes. Well, what about those little chocolate dome things with marshmallow in 'em - they're called teacakes!

It's a muffin, anyway. Yer go up Moston Lane and ask fer a muffin!
City first as I'm not a Manc.

Tin hat on... I think some of you need to travel more. Mancs are no different in their Outlook on life & personality as everyone else, no matter where they come from.
I love Manchester, it's a million times better than Salford, Trafford, Stockport, Wigan, Stalybridge etc. The mad thing is that people from these areas (with their stupid accents) consider themselves to be Mancs. Oh, and to be a true City fan, you have to be Mancunian. 'City, we're from Manchester'
Bugs Bunny said:
City first as I'm not a Manc.

Tin hat on... I think some of you need to travel more. Mancs are no different in their Outlook on life & personality as everyone else, no matter where they come from.

Not sure. I travel a lot; indeed I don't even live in Manchester anymore. But they are different. As are Scousers, Brummies, home counties folk etc each in their own way.

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