Mancunian or city fan first ?

Project said:
Bugs Bunny said:
City first as I'm not a Manc.

Tin hat on... I think some of you need to travel more. Mancs are no different in their Outlook on life & personality as everyone else, no matter where they come from.

Not sure. I travel a lot; indeed I don't even live in Manchester anymore. But they are different. As are Scousers, Brummies, home counties folk etc each in their own way.

Fair do's. I can only talk from experience too. I've worked with people from all over the UK for the last 20 odd years or so. As individuals, if it weren't for the accent it would be impossible to tell where they come from just by the way the act, their personality & their outlook on life.
As a non-Mancunian it's obviously City.

Coming from a town barely 20 miles away from Manchester, yet whose people prefer to follow Manure and the two scouse teams, the City fans here (probably about 50 of us- and I reckon I've met every single one!- my passion for City is intense!!
Well as i was a Mancunian for the first 12 years of my life , before i became a City fan , then i suppose that really answers the question ......

but really i see myself as being both equally , and i'm proud to be both .
I'm a Mancunian, but really coundn't give a toss about it.

It's an accident of birth, nothing more.

You get to choose City, you don't get to choose where you land.

Manchester does not define me as a person, it can be a mind-numbing place at times.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I'm a Mancunian, but really coundn't give a toss about it.

It's an accident of birth, nothing more.

You get to choose City, you don't get to choose where you land.

Manchester does not define me as a person, it can be a mind-numbing place at times.

To be a Mancunian by birth means everything when you are also brought up with the positive Mancunian energies that exist.

Being a real Mancunian shows you that anything is possible, that you are more than a 'thing' and that YOU can create your own destiny.

I suspect that many Manc's dont see how it has had that impact on them as it can be subtle.

But the same reason why Mancs have dug a canal in order to avoid being fleeced by scousers, why City built Maine Road so big, why folks from Levenshulme held Bonnie Prince Charlie hostage, why Manchester created the Mechanics Institute, why Peterloo happened, why we have the architecture we do, why Sufrage found a home in Manchester and there are so many more why's I could bore you all to death.

But just having the good fortune to be a Manc sets us aside from others in a very positive way if you take those positives on board.

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