Manny Pacquiao to fight Antonio Margarito

This fight is a fuckin joke - Margarito shouldnt be allowed to make a penny from boxing after the hand wrap scandal.

Bob Arum is a cnut and a parasite
Pacquiao has agreed to the drug testing stipulations so Mayweather came up with some bullshit about wanting a 60-40 split. There is zero proof of Manny doing any PEDs, it's all a bunch of crap made up by Mayweather to avoid fighting a fighter who would kick his ass.
buckshot said:
Pacquiao has agreed to the drug testing stipulations so Mayweather came up with some bullshit about wanting a 60-40 split. There is zero proof of Manny doing any PEDs, it's all a bunch of crap made up by Mayweather to avoid fighting a fighter who would kick his ass.
They're as bad as each other mate. It's excuse after excuse from both camps.

Oh and if they ever fight Floyd will win handily.
buckshot said:
Pacquiao has agreed to the drug testing stipulations so Mayweather came up with some bullshit about wanting a 60-40 split. There is zero proof of Manny doing any PEDs, it's all a bunch of crap made up by Mayweather to avoid fighting a fighter who would kick his ass.

hard to figure out if your serious, arum hasn't even sat down at a table to negotiate a split so the '60/40' bolloxs is nonsense. And if he's agreed to mayweathers demands why no random blood testing up until the fight? thats right he's afraid of needles. he feels drained. Don't be so naive.
And the bargaining power is rightly in the mayweather camp, he has the upper hand in any negotiations as he is the biggest draw (£) in boxing, so what does smackman do? takes on a guy who has disgraced the sport for around $6m max. If he is so arsed about the split as you allude to why take a purse of this size?
All of these fights are immaterial. There is only one fight the world is waiting to see and has been waiting for really since Pacquiao beat Hatton 14 months ago.

People interpret things in different ways; many people thought Floyd was ducking him by asking for the tests which Mosley agreed to and many people are probably looking at Arum now another deadline has expired and are thinking Pacquiao is ducking him. Pacquiao said recently that he would have one last fight before going into politics but you never know what to believe. The money involved in this potential fight would be astronomical - one of the biggest in history.

You're watching these fights now and virtually knowing before that they are going to win; Mayweather against Marquez and Mosley, Pacquiao against Cotto, Clottey and now Margarito so it is losing its value.

I know a lot of people think Mayweather has fought fighters past their best which may be true to an extent but I don't think he would fear anyone. His defence is exceptional (only got caught by Mosley when he let his guard down) and I think he would nullify Pacquiao, although he would have his work cut out because he seems to run on Duracell.

They need to make the fight happen either way - it will be one of the biggest sporting crimes if it never does and we are still sat here in a couple of years talking about what might have been.
carrconormcfc said:
buckshot said:
Pacquiao has agreed to the drug testing stipulations so Mayweather came up with some bullshit about wanting a 60-40 split. There is zero proof of Manny doing any PEDs, it's all a bunch of crap made up by Mayweather to avoid fighting a fighter who would kick his ass.
They're as bad as each other mate. It's excuse after excuse from both camps.

Oh and if they ever fight Floyd will win handily.

connor who's the draw here? You know my stand point on smackman so leaving that aside does it not set alarm bells off that he would take this diabolical fight against a known cheat for a 10th of what his payout would be even at a 60/40 split.
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
carrconormcfc said:
They're as bad as each other mate. It's excuse after excuse from both camps.

Oh and if they ever fight Floyd will win handily.

connor who's the draw here? You know my stand point on smackman so leaving that aside does it not set alarm bells off that he would take this diabolical fight against a known cheat for a 10th of what his payout would be even at a 60/40 split.

Zin in no way is there proof or even a suggestion until Floyd the cnut piped up during first round of negotiations about blood testing. If Pac was doing something he would of agreed and then not done said drugs but to say no suggests something very different in his argument
Pac against Margarito at a catch weight yet again. Pac is getting the better deal. He had Golden Boy dropping pounds and pounds to fight him the same with Cotto and now with Margarito. I say if you want to fight at light middleweight then fight at the limits of it IF not then no titles should be on the line. Margarito has the chin and power to cause problems to Pac.
I wonder what they will market the fight as Innocent maybe,.
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
carrconormcfc said:
They're as bad as each other mate. It's excuse after excuse from both camps.

Oh and if they ever fight Floyd will win handily.

connor who's the draw here? You know my stand point on smackman so leaving that aside does it not set alarm bells off that he would take this diabolical fight against a known cheat for a 10th of what his payout would be even at a 60/40 split.
At this point Zim I'm not arsed who the bigger draw is, what I am arsed about is the constant stream of shit being spouted from both camps.

A couple of weeks ago floyd was going on about taking an 18 month break from the sport, now him fighting Cotto is almost a done deal? What's all that about? 1, why fight Cotto when there's Williams or Martinez (2 better fighters now) on the table? 2, floyd is yet again going back on his word if he takes this fight, because by his own admission Cotto is damaged goods (that's what 8 rounds of illegal plaster can do to a man).

Bob Arum, Freddie Roach and the rest of the cronies at top rank can do one. These 2 are probably the main reason the fight hasn't happened imo.

If Pac is actually asking for a catchweight yet again, he loses even more of my respect. It's bad enough asking for a 145 cut-off for the Cotto fight, it's another thing moving up to 154 knowing full well you're too small to be there, then asking for a 150 catchweight! If you know you're too small to be at light-middle, stay the fuck at welter instead of trying to con your way to an 8th weight world title. At least floyd fought De la hoya at 154.

So now we have to see Pac-Marg floyd-Cotto, 2 fights which lets be honest everyone knows who the winners are, they're foregone conclusions. At least floyd-mosley pac-cotto were somewhat competitive matchups (imo). I look forward to Williams-Martinez II far more than either of those fights.

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