Marillion reunion? (Not really, just joining in)

Very very similar here. There’s just something about the pitch, timbre, frailty of Hogarth’s voice that I’ve never been able to warm too. Over the years I’ve managed to appreciate individual tracks, a few off Marbles, and the Great Escape for example, but it’s more because of Rothery’s soloing that his singing/lyrics.
Nowadays I actually enjoy Clutching At Straws most of those first 4 but they were/are all brilliant, along with the Grendel/MSH 12” and the other B sides. The quality was just so consistent back then.

Have you been to the Rothery Band solo shows? If not I’d recommend highly. But I’ve got mixed feelings about seeing Fish’s farewell shows early next year.
Since uni I’ve never knowingly met another Marillion fan so not sure I’ll be able to convince anyone else to attend with me. It’s easier to follow the bands everyone jumps on the bandwagon to I guess.
Just been reading up on people going solo to concerts, I might try it. I’ve never considered it before. I can’t risk taking Mrs Lego, the idea of a song lasting more than 4 minutes doesn’t compute with her.

I’ve only ever been to one concert on my own, and it was The The on the Mind Bomb tour, front row at the Apollo. Just could not find a single person I knew who was even vaguely tempted, but I just couldn’t miss it having spent so many years hammering Soul Mining, Infected and Burning Blue Soul!
I’ve only ever been to one concert on my own, and it was The The on the Mind Bomb tour, front row at the Apollo. Just could not find a single person I knew who was even vaguely tempted, but I just couldn’t miss it having spent so many years hammering Soul Mining, Infected and Burning Blue Soul!
I've been on my own many times, don't need company, London/Pompey/Brighton/Bournemouth/Southampton, all several times.
Since uni I’ve never knowingly met another Marillion fan so not sure I’ll be able to convince anyone else to attend with me. It’s easier to follow the bands everyone jumps on the bandwagon to I guess.
When I was at school/College, they were one of the most popular bands (with Fish), if i mention them, most people have no idea who they are!
Marillion with Hogarth have been patchy but Happiness Is The Road is a great album.

Steve Rothery remains one of the great melodic guitar players.
Whilst Fish era Marillion remains my first love, Hogarth era has produced some stunning music, in fact I'd go as far as to say "Invisible Man" (Marbles) is my number 1 Marillion track.

Album-wise the two concept albums (dirty word, I know) Brave and FEAR are works of art with the odd track on each letting them down (imo).

Throughout the years the bands sound has constantly changed, but still retains a trademark sound, we've had pop/rock with Holidays in Eden and This Strange Engine, experimental stuff with Anorak (shite in my view) and full on (yet accessible?) prog pomp of the concept stuff.

Fish on the other hand has never reached the heights of his Marillion days with the solo stuff. That's not to say it's bad, far from it, just not quite as consistently good.
I’ve only ever been to one concert on my own, and it was The The on the Mind Bomb tour, front row at the Apollo. Just could not find a single person I knew who was even vaguely tempted, but I just couldn’t miss it having spent so many years hammering Soul Mining, Infected and Burning Blue Soul!
I was there on my own too! Still got the ticket. 2 days after the 5-1 Maine Road Massacre.
Got tickets to see them in Boston in October.

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