Marina (from the GU) lays into our Garry

zeusbheld said:
Ric said:
It was a private email exchange between them, so I probably shouldn't have published it. To be honest, I was on Marina's side.

she handled him well except that she's full of shit when it comes to American politics.

Helms had a past as a segregationist, true--but that was decades ago. by the time of Helms vs. Gantt, it wasn't an issue. which is in no way an endorsement of Helms, but ffs. as an American who lived in North Carolina and voted for Gantt in that election her sanctimonious, 2-crayola approach to American politics offends me. sorry but we DO NOT need (or want) some posturing Oxford elitist who writes a mediocre column about celebrities to come over and sort our politics.

also, her self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing prose is cringeworthy.

Segregationist, sanctimonious... diatribe about political rhetoric to make your point? Sounds like you want Marina's job. Do you hate her because she's pieces of you?
MDLVKM3 said:
zeusbheld -
Ricky gervais' comedy is verbal. Therefore less words are needing because of visual stimuli.
not exactly, screenplays are far more visual than commentary columns, but i believe your point is that Gervais to Hyde is not an apples-to-apples comparison.

Is the language use for comedic effect? Yes.

That's her schtick. Thats the point of the column. Using OTT arguments and terminology to explain trivial events in news. You would know that if you read the guardian. I was offering insight from experience.
fair enough. having received several emails from her, however, i have grave doubts that she's in on her own joke.

Misogny was in reference to what started the debate (being a slag) but feel to jump in half way through and pick out non-contextualised sentences. Ta.
i'm aware of the previous contexts about her being a slag, but even in context your comment didn't make sense. i'm still not sure what you meant by that, in context. was merely hoping for clarification.
MDLVKM3 said:
zeusbheld said:
she handled him well except that she's full of shit when it comes to American politics.

Helms had a past as a segregationist, true--but that was decades ago. by the time of Helms vs. Gantt, it wasn't an issue. which is in no way an endorsement of Helms, but ffs. as an American who lived in North Carolina and voted for Gantt in that election her sanctimonious, 2-crayola approach to American politics offends me. sorry but we DO NOT need (or want) some posturing Oxford elitist who writes a mediocre column about celebrities to come over and sort our politics.

also, her self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing prose is cringeworthy.

Segregationist, sanctimonious... diatribe about political rhetoric to make your point? Sounds like you want Marina's job.
i most definitely do not want her job. if i'm going to write fiction i prefer to label it as such.

Do you hate her because she's pieces of you?


although bear in mind that "segregationist" was a) her word and b) essential to her argument...
"sanctimonious" on the other hand is pure fluff (bombast if i want to push further into the purple range), but you have to admit it's precise.
Dubai Blue said:
Does anyone know where we are on those Manchester City-branded energy drinks proposed by Garry Cook, the club's mesmerically ghastly executive chairman? Mr Cook caught his new owners' eye with an 83-page thesis entitled A New Model for Partnership, a sort of footballing Das Krapital, wherein he predicted City's full-spectrum dominance of planet Earth, within the structure of a Premier League of 10 to 14 clubs, with no promotion or relegation.
Garry Cook had absolutely fuck all to do with that document. It came from a study group here in the UAE. And the 10-14 Premier League club thing came from an interview with a group of journalists, not from that document.

But nice try Marina, you fucking twatflap.

Posted this to the lovely Marina this morning via her email.

She wasn't best pleased judging by her response of 'are you unwell'
Which i took to mean 'your are sick'
Didn't think it was that vitriolic a comment, but she can obviously dish out
personal criticism but can't take it.

Dear Marina

Congratulations on your acceptance to the bash Garry Cook/Manchester City bandwagon !!

Not only is your article factually incorrect, but is constructed in a vain glorious attempt to project your own self importance and intellectual wisdom .
It must be quite fulfilling to elevate Silvio Berlusconi into a moral guardian of truth and justice.

Not only that but a simple spell check reveals your grammatical incompetence.
All this from a celebrity reporter !!

Kate Adie must be quaking in her boots, at the thought of your burgeoning career as a
serious journalist.

Well done, keep up the good work

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