Mario at the petrol station(merged)


Well-Known Member
24 Jul 2009
Apologies if already posted, taken from
Balotelli was at a petrol station today filling up his car & told everyone else 2 fill their cars up & he will pay...What a guy!!
Re: Mario at the petrol station

he's going to have no money left soon lol.
Re: Mario at the petrol station

Can you imagine him going to the kiosk and waiting for the attendant to push every button for every pump while he pays for everyone individually?

These stories are just absolute bollocks.
Mario at the petrol station

Real or not I like the creativity of these stories.

If they are real I need to start stalking Mr Balotelli!
Re: Mario at the petrol station

It's just getting better and better isn't it. Not just the stories but that they get repeated after about a week now.There is a competition for who can create the best and funniest possible stories about what Mario is supposed to have done.Mario hasnt decided what the prize is yet.

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