Mario at the petrol station(merged)

Re: Latest Balotelli Rumour

blumoonrisen said:
Freestyler said:
Just heard he paid for everyone's petrol in a station.

Don't know where or when exactly, but definitely was tonight.

More to follow soon i reckon.

Ha ha...! def tonight..? funny that the story broke this afternoon.. sorry fella!

Just what i was told...
Re: Mario at the petrol station

yeseye said:
It could be worthwhile stalking our Mario!

Its all bull Shit what next Mario hands out 50 pound notes dressed as kermit the frog! I love Mario but come on we all no its bull Shit.
Re: Mario at the petrol station

Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
No 57 in the Balotelli load of bollocks stories. Rich or not why the fuck would anyone do that?

Because he isnt a misserable bugger like you ???
I was just taking a look at a Bugatti Veyron in white while admiring some diamond Rolex watches

Guess who walks in Mario, after giving me a kiss and patting my bum he wrote me out a check for £100,000 and then paid for the Bugatti and 4 Rolex watches. When i told him i could not afford the insurance on the car he said "no problems i will pay" before nobbing my missus, shooting the sales attendant and marrying a priest that was just walking past the shop

I have no reason to lie, best day of my life
And what a great shame that there is a lack of photos from these 'top' stories.
I was at Citys training ground when Mario turned up. He went and got his training gear on, did some training, showered, changed and then went home.

Ha ha - Super Mario what a star!

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