Martinez (merged thread)

Watch the TV clip with Chris Sutton. He is spot on. I hope we smash Everton in the 2nd leg....
Roberto Martinez: Everton boss feels 'pure anger' at Terry goal

Notice when Sutton starts talking about us getting robbed, the other two shout him down. He then brings up the Sterling non-penalty for a third time, and the other guy says "well that's gone". WTF does that mean?

Fucking pathetic - dont know why i ever watch BBC.
cant stop laughing at martinez's indignation re the chelski offside goal , just a couple of days after he glossed over the Sterling's penalty claim , you reap what you sow , c*nt

I can't say I'm laughing though - still livid about that penalty decision. Then being on the receiving end of a bad decision's not much help to us now.
But I do take your general principle - he's got some gall to moan having benefitted only days before.
Why not just be magnanimous and say 'you win some, you lose some' and use the City game as an example? He might have gained some credibility that way.

Was this Martinez after Wednesday's penalty claim or yesterday after the offside goal?

"Maybe refs need a bit of help. But to have a player two yards off in the box is unacceptable. There is no explanation. It's a big, big error. It's not good enough."

He wasn't 2 yards offside. Maybe 2 feet - about the same distance as Stones was from the ball when he uprooted Sterling's legs.
He wasn't 2 yards offside. Maybe 2 feet - about the same distance as Stones was from the ball when he uprooted Sterling's legs.

I can see why the lino didn't flag. At normal speed it can appear that he came from an onside position! Not easy, but before the goal (any goal) is awarded it should be checked electronically and dediced in the cold harsh light of slo-mo! No goal, Johnny lad!! So get the fuck of that hoarding!!
It's when you say or imply they're corrupt that they normally take action.

Using the word diabolical to describe a ref and linesmans judgement over an off side call and the time keeping would in my book tell me he was implying it.

The FA are yet again having to fudge their own rules to cover up either sheer incompetence or cheating but much like the player who doesn't get a second yellow because he has just been booked or the guy who escapes because its early in the game or its a passionate derby game whilst other players get the card and possible suspensions or leave themselves in a position where they cant make a tackle for 70 mins of the game leaving both them and their side ineffectual, the next manager will get the book thrown at him for similar and Martinez will have been to shown to have received special treatment.

Its one huge mess.

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