
No fucking way! Well that's a massive blow for Villa...hope we get Milner but not for a ridiculous price.
I remember a few times last season things went into meltdown on here cos the betting market on X leaving their post/resigning/signing had been suspended, only for it to turn out that the online bookies often did that overnight in volatile markets because they couldn't monitor what was going on!

Saying that though - the bookies aren't stupid. Supply and demand ect, if they've taken some hefty bets then they'll drop the odds

EDIT: *eats words*
thats how to rock your rivals well done Mr Mancini and the boys another result, now offer 15 million for millner or back off, hahahahahahaha
The Fat el Hombre said:
They suspended betting on Moyes a bit back when he was s'posed to b leaving, fuck all came of it

If they really thought MON was going they wouldn't be giving such generous odds of 10/11
hahaha now we are ruining football
svennis pennis said:
I imagine that the only way for O'Neill to walk would be if the Milner deal was sanctioned and then no funds were released for him.

However it will be a load of shyte as per usual. Its the monthly Rafa /O'Neill has walked time.[/quote]
O nice one mystic meg!

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