Mary D's...


Well-Known Member
2 Nov 2008
Isn't it about time this sh*thole was ripped down?

- crap beer
- full of the very worst sort of fans
- regular bouts of Blue-on-Blue
- annoying c*nt on the microphone

I go in the mary d's and its gets unfair stick.

Decent place to get a sing song going when its full, yeah the beer is shite but oh well it shite pretty much everywhere, started going in the eastlands bar abit further down recently and thats pretty good.
Personally i think we should close all the boozers within 2 miles of the ground and make all the ones in town close on matchdays in fact ide go further and breath test all home fans and throw out anyone who sings or stands or in fact look like they are having a good time........???

Oh shit thats me n mi mates fooked as we go in m'ds and eastlands and we like a drink , hate sitting down at games and we sing those terrible songs about opposition teams the ref and also occasionally take the piss out of our own team.......and use the word m*nich in an offensive manner.
If u don't like it don't go in nobody is asking u 2. I think it's a great place for a banter and to soak up the match atmosphere ok the beer might not be good but who cares it still goes down nicely. We should have a stand in our ground that puts all us Mary d's fans together we would get a better atmosphere :)
The entire estate and crappy 1960s hovels like the Manchester and the Corner Shop could get flattened too for all I care. It's a God forsaken area.

People who don't support our club look at me like I'm strange when I say that the area Maine Road was in is positively upmarket in comparison to where we are now.
citytill1die84 said:
If u don't like it don't go in nobody is asking u 2. I think it's a great place for a banter and to soak up the match atmosphere ok the beer might not be good but who cares it still goes down nicely. We should have a stand in our ground that puts all us Mary d's fans together we would get a better atmosphere :)

The place is alright I suppose but is usually full of the scroty City fans. Annoys me how they sing in there then spend the next 90 minutes in silence
DD said:
The entire estate and crappy 1960s hovels like the Manchester and the Corner Shop could get flattened too for all I care. It's a God forsaken area.

People who don't support our club look at me like I'm strange when I say that the area Maine Road was in is positively upmarket in comparison to where we are now.

is it fuck god forsaken !
Where's better than Mary D's then?
Because I haven't found anywhere myself.
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