Mary D's...

DD said:
The entire estate and crappy 1960s hovels like the Manchester and the Corner Shop could get flattened too for all I care. It's a God forsaken area.

People who don't support our club look at me like I'm strange when I say that the area Maine Road was in is positively upmarket in comparison to where we are now.

You must be strange, why dont you support your local team then people will stop looking at you strangely........Beswick bashing dickhead !
when we first moved to eastlands i signed a 4 year contract at mary d's then i was sold to the townley when i spent 2 years and this year ive recently gone out on loan to easlands bar where i wish to stay for the good future ;-)
Ok, Mary D's may not be to everyones taste - music/beer/punters/songs/noise etc etc - YOU DONT HAVE TO GO IN SO QUIT MOANING FFS.

Now then, as a barman by profession, allow me to dismiss some myths - the beer is NOT watered down. It is KEG lager and it is impossible to water down. It is a very large, pressurised container and will literally blow up if attempted to be tampered with.

You are clearly mistaking the concept that you can water down CASK ales - they are the 'hand pull' pumps that serve bitter/mild.

It might taste a bit flat on occasion if they have plenty of lager pre-pulled when demand is quieter - but that's a price you pay for getting served very quickly. Otherwise the complaint will be queues/ages to get served etc etc.
LongsightM13 said:
awest said:
You forgot the sherwood.
Never went in there much but a lot of blues liked it

We sampled them all. For years it was The Welcome and then on to The Sherwood. Then it was The Lord Lyon (Red Stripe in cans only for me) for a while, popping in to The Gardeners now and again. Then the Albert became our 'local' for a couple of years. We used The Parkside in the last years of Maine Road. Ahhhhhhhh, those were the days.
Glad this thread is still going and that most people agreed with me.

I might be of the few, but one of the key things i look for when visiting pubs is good beer, going to the game shouldn't mean you pass on that one.

It'd be great if someone opened a proper pub within about a mile of the ground, as there absolutely isn't one and probably hasn't been since we moved to Beswick.

Were it my call, i'd ban hats, hoodies, all sportswear including replica shirts, jeans, trainers, excessive gold, chav shoes, yadda yadda. Beer should be refreshingly expensive but of quality - some respected ales, foreign and local, £4 a pint minimum. No Sky Sports blaring, no orange girls behind the bar, no lairy crowds or tabloid readers, just crisp beer, respectable people and quiet, friendly, educated conversation. Wet dogs welcome, too.
pardoe said:
Glad this thread is still going and that most people agreed with me.

I might be of the few, but one of the key things i look for when visiting pubs is good beer, going to the game shouldn't mean you pass on that one.

It'd be great if someone opened a proper pub within about a mile of the ground, as there absolutely isn't one and probably hasn't been since we moved to Beswick.

Were it my call, i'd ban hats, hoodies, all sportswear including replica shirts, jeans, trainers, excessive gold, chav shoes, yadda yadda. Beer should be refreshingly expensive but of quality - some respected ales, foreign and local, £4 a pint minimum. No Sky Sports blaring, no orange girls behind the bar, no lairy crowds or tabloid readers, just crisp beer, respectable people and quiet, friendly, educated conversation. Wet dogs welcome, too.

Oh I say old bean, that sounds rather jolly. If you are to open such an establishment please do let us know as soon as possible. With regards to wet dogs would one be able to leave said creature there for the duration of the game rather than having to leave it in the car?
DD said:
The entire estate and crappy 1960s hovels like the Manchester and the Corner Shop could get flattened too for all I care. It's a God forsaken area.

People who don't support our club look at me like I'm strange when I say that the area Maine Road was in is positively upmarket in comparison to where we are now.
Thats some statement,both shitholes,Maine rd was worse though IMO

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