Match Thread | Burton vs Man City (23/01/19)

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Garcia would look taller if he stood up straight. I think he's more than adequate as far as his height goes
  • Squad price comparison shown on the screen.
  • Only scored 1 goal compared to 4 in first leg.
  • Foden should get a yellow for a tackle where he slipped.
  • City fans getting restless.
Do they never give in? What about pointing out that the pitch is probably borderline dangerous and we are already 9 goal in front.
10 goals.
Sergio’s first three touches of the half, two give always and an offside. Perhaps he really does have a hangover.
Stop fucking whinging ,10 -0 up get to see some of the kids and we are in a cup final already ,senior players are in there to get games into their legs ,what the fuck do people expect ,city fans used to be salt of the earth but on bluemoon they are like fucking whinging old women
I agree with you, but what made me laugh is that one of the ‘likes’ was from the biggest moaning **** in the thread
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