Match Thread | Burton vs Man City (23/01/19)

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Every time he's first pick on the wing he never seems to take the opportunity and demonstrate how good he is/can be!
To be fair, as I was saying earlier in the thread, tonight is not necessarily the time when anyone is going to shine in a blaze of glory (for many reasons), and it is difficult to get into a rhythm without playing consistently.

But I do agree he hasn’t quite shown the level he obviously has in him (or, at least, once had).
What a prospect Garcia is, best player on the pitch by a country mile.

He reads the game so well and will be interested to see how he physically develops in the next couple years.

Could even see him becoming a top holding Midfielder, such is his technique and reading of the game.

De Bruyne is so unfit, his passing has been generally sloppy again, as it was against Huddersfield.

Such is the standard of the opponent, it does show up where some of our fringe are still lacking top quality. Zinchenko and Delph have been very poor.

Garcia has a real chance of being a key player for us for a number of years - very clever and love seeing him in short sleeves on such a chilly night. Kev is just trying to get minutes under his belt. His pass for the goal was worth the money - the pitch seems hard and can lead to heavy touches. As long as he doesn't get injured I'm good. Agree about Delph also for me Mahrez less impressive given that this game and Saturday are the chances to stake claims - he did at least pull one pass back, something he needs to do more often. Tonight is about no injuries and seeing some of our youngsters have a go.
His pass for the goal more than makes up for the fact his playing as a holding midfielder essentially which takes out some of his flair.

Don't agree he is that unfit more the position he is playing.

Delph has been excellent making some excellent forward runs but not getting the support.

Pitch is icy and the ball difficult to control.

All in all excellent half but a bit sloppy in bringing the ball out of defecne

We will agree to disagree, but Kev was just as sloppy at Huddersfield with his simple passing, when not being asked to hold.

He's clearly not fit, as you would expect but it is the simple things that haven't been coming off.

Delph is continually being caught the wrong side of the ball, which is just a basic error. He needs to stop jumping in.
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