Matheus Nunes

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Neither are other clubs. But if City keep on treating selling clubs as mugs with an initial low ball offer that a club won’t accept and will genuinely be insulted by, don’t expect that club to make the sale of a player we want to buy easy. By all means go in with an initial offer slightly below or below their valuation of the player, but don’t continue taking the piss out of clubs. City will soon get reputation for doing that. It’s a shit and insulting transfer strategy.
We are not united.

our reputation, is that we walk away from deals when the seller is asking too much. Not to just give what they want easily, then give them a massive contract. That's the United way.

Our club have done brilliant business over the years. And we have the reputation of not being taken the piss-out-of because of that approach.
If we keep on going with this method though, we will probably never sign a top Premier league player ever again. Kovacic seemed to be easy as Chelsea had to have a fire sale, and seemingly were happy to accept a lower fee. Sometimes you have to accept a rival teams fee they've put on a player
And sometimes you walk away.
What Wolves paid and what they want now is their business and whether he has been their ten months or ten years is irrelevant. They can put whatever figure they want on his head
Clearly, I've never disputed that. I just questioned Keepers rationale that his value has gone up by 25 to 59% based on him scoring 1 goal last season and frankly being poor in a poor Wolves side.

Some on here seem to think we should just pay whatever for a player just because that's what the selling club want and that Chelsea have distorted the market. That's not the way City have operated at all. I just don't see that happening.
How things are going on this transfer? Are we close?
Sign him(and do not give any other player, e.g keep Palmer and Phillips) and we are perfect for this season!
If this doesn't happen, here's a thought about Phillips. I guess Pep has decided he can't play the Rodri role ( I agree) as single holding midfielder. However now we've got Kovacic, can he play along side him in the same way as he has done with with Rice for England, the 2 +2 box midfield might suit him better and give an option to play without Rodri in some games. Maybe that's Plan B (or C etc.) if Nunes deal is off. As Corporal Jones said, "Don't panic!"
Phillips played a little further forward in inside-right midfield and did well in the England game against Croatia in Euro 2020, setting up Sterling’s goal nicely.

(Go to 2:25)

I’m not saying play him there every week for City, but he’s a better player than he’s shown for us so far. Even if he improved at the same ratio as, say, Rodri did from his first season to now, that would still make Phillips a very good squad player from the base he’s at at the moment.
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