Maximum Wage Law - Corbyn

My point on wages is that if I were a Tesco cashier on £16kpa, I wouldn't give a hoot about anybody's pension if I saw my CEO awarding himself a salary increase that's twice my annual wage. Meanwhile I've got no hope of a raise until minimum wage changes and I have real worries hoping my hours don't get cut.

CEO's (of public companies) don't award themselves salary increases. The board, the Chairman (and possibly the remuneration committee) decide and then the shareholders vote on it. Now I am not suggesting that there is no cronyism anywhere to be seen, but the idea that CEO's just pay themselves what they like, is wrong.
My point on wages is that if I were a Tesco cashier on £16kpa, I wouldn't give a hoot about anybody's pension if I saw my CEO awarding himself a salary increase that's twice my annual wage. Meanwhile I've got no hope of a raise until minimum wage changes and I have real worries hoping my hours don't get cut.

It's a fair point but no doubt they said the same about minimum wage at one point.

Sorry you have completely missed the point, suggest you read(blue swedens?) post again and take it into context.
It's coming with the envy crew, we all know they currently would love to go marauding through mansions stealing of the greedy rich to give to the poor, the next logical step is free cosmetic surgery to the ugly(have to be poor though) and take a baseball bat to the pretty. Supermodel or actor raking it in because of their looks, we can't have that. Out with their teeth.

I seem to find myself agreeing with you a lot!
Sorry you have completely missed the point, suggest you read(blue swedens?) post again and take it into context.

Him and I proposed something different. He suggested a link to minimum wage and I suggested linking max earnings to min earnings (although that could just as easily be mean our median earnings). I took the overall discussion as you disagreeing that max earnings should be linked to other company wages at all.

CEO's (of public companies) don't award themselves salary increases. The board, the Chairman (and possibly the remuneration committee) decide and then the shareholders vote on it. Now I am not suggesting that there is no cronyism anywhere to be seen, but the idea that CEO's just pay themselves what they like, is wrong.

Fair point. But it's very easy for a board to give a CEO £50k rather than him £10k, the next rung a bit less each, the next rung a bit less each, and so on. If the law said they had to go to that effort though they would have to.
Him and I proposed something different. He suggested a link to minimum wage and I suggested linking max earnings to min earnings (although that could just as easily be mean our median earnings). I took the overall discussion as you disagreeing that max earnings should be linked to other company wages at all.

Fair point. But it's very easy for a board to give a CEO £50k rather than him £10k, the next rung a bit less each, the next rung a bit less each, and so on. If the law said they had to go to that effort though they would have to.

Okay let's say you work for Tesco and are on that 16k and the CEO of Tesco gets a whopping 50% raise, what law are you bringing in?
All politicians are cunts though.

It's sad that you think that mate.

My former local MP - Steve Webb - is absolutely anything but. He's a thoroughly top bloke and someone I admire a lot, even though he's a Lib Dem and I am a Tory. Steve is passionate about doing everything he can to make Britain a better place to live and to do what he can for the local community. He lost his seat and has been replaced by Luke Hall, who so far seems to have similar aspirations.

In many ways, I'd love to be an MP myself. Yes, there are a few tossers in the 600+ I am sure, but in the main, they are all decent, hard-working and principled people. That a sizeable proportion of the public should have the same views as you (and I believe they do) is a terrible shame. And by the way, you are wrong, because they aren't all ****s.

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