Maximum Wage Law - Corbyn

He's an idiot. Not so much because he would like to introduce an earnings cap (although he's a bit of an idiot because of that). But much more because he's the Leader of the Opposition and comes out with this "policy" without giving any idea as to how it would work, what sort of level it would be set at, how he would ensure that companies couldnt easily circumvent it. It doesnt merit the description "half baked", it hasn't seen the oven.
What nonsense. What about performance, just because someone gets a pay rise everyone else should not get the same one, even if they are shite. Everyone performs differently to different levels. Pay should refelect individual performance not because of how someone else has performed.

What you and Jezza are missing is that the extra 400k the company pays to the CEO means an extra 200k in the pot for schools hospitals, benefits etc. You are too busy focusing on envy and not practicality and the wider benefits.

You could counter this by applying the ratio to total amounts paid across a pay band rather than from person to person. i.e. total director salaries vs total shop floor salaries. It's unlikely a company would be delivering good results and a CEO be worthy of a huge pay increase if their entire shop floor was shite. The associated pay increases lower down the chain could then be applied to and given to those seen as more deserving.
It's a very British thing to be so resentful of other peoples' success and it's one of our most undesirable attributes. In other countries, people are often much more willing to be happy for someone who's done well for themselves, whereas here they are more likely to run a key down the side of your jag.

In Norway, a socialist country, everyone can see what everyone pays in tax. You can see what everyone on your street pays in tax for example

The thing is it's a different mentality , the socialism is turned on its head because those who are seen as paying the most tax are held up and applauded as the ones who contribute the most to society. They have worked hard and pay lots of tax to help others , fair play to them society says.

In this country they are just rich twats who should be shot and ashamed of themselves.
Let's say for arguments sake that the law was changed prior to this that the highest paid in a company could not be paid more than 50 times the wage of the lowest paid worker. Suppose the CEO was already maxing this out at £800k and you're saying he wants a 50% increase to £1.2m. Then, according to the law, he can only do that if his lowest paid is on at least £24k, so pay for the lowest earners will have to be increased accordingly. In reality it would probably work out as everyone receiving a much smaller bump.

The debatable things about the law would be the multiplier (50 above) and the ratio used (here min to max).

It would certainly provide the CEO with a strong incentive to cut the number of lower paid jobs in the company eg by outsourcing.
The guy is an absolute and utter buffoon. Staggering that no-one (with a hope in hell's chance) in the Labour Party had the balls to stand against him. The moderate labour MPs (i.e the vast majority of them) must be contemplating topping themselves.
You could counter this by applying the ratio to total amounts paid across a pay band rather than from person to person. i.e. total director salaries vs total shop floor salaries. It's unlikely a company would be delivering good results and a CEO be worthy of a huge pay increase if their entire shop floor was shite. The associated pay increases lower down the chain could then be applied to and given to those seen as more deserving.

We are talking a law here though, who decides the pay bands? Who decides what percentage each band gets? At the end of the day it couldn't be legislated for so you are left with the company deciding pay rises, back to square one.
The guy is an absolute and utter buffoon. Staggering that no-one (with a hope in hell's chance) in the Labour Party had the balls to stand against him. The moderate labour MPs (i.e the vast majority of them) must be contemplating topping themselves.

He should be thankful he is not on salary related pay. I find it staggering that any politician can even mention having their noses in the trough

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