Maximum Wage Law - Corbyn

How do you see it panning out mate? Do you think the labour party will watch him nose dive the party into the ground at a future general election, giving Theresa May a majority of 400? Or do you think someone will kill him?

I think there will be an early election over brexit (vote of no confidence when we fuck off the single market and all the rest of the nonsense) Then he'll be gone.
But that's not the donkeys fault. Fucking horses with their silver spoons
Only one thing for it jezza will have to shoot the horse. I believe he has a balaclava and gun fetish anyhow so win win
Yep. Or limit the amount of oats the horse can have, so it fucks off to plough in China, and gets ate instead. :)
(a) May is a clown
(b) So what
(c) So what
(d) An enquiry followed by a decision to not do anything about it
(e) Stealing money from the people who agreed that it should be taken from them? Right. Jeremy and his envious Trots? Yes, I agree about that.

Jesus Christ!! a board votes in excessive pay for themselves, irrespective of their own performance and often irrespective of the performance of the company and they ensure that shareholders have no mechanism to stop them, but that's OK with you! Can you not see it is gangsterism, it is theft?

It undermines public confidence in big business, it undermines confidence in capitalism itself.

Merit and performance should be the drivers of pay, not crony capitalism, whose sole aim is to take a bigger and bigger share of the trough while contributing as little as possible.
So a ceo of a smaller business with higher paid staff say in technology would get paid more than a ceo of a huge company with lots of warehouse staff. And performance becomes less relevant in this ratio scheme.

I could do this all day.

Depends what the companies turnover. The small business CEO may only be able to be paid ten times his average wage because his average wage is high. Big business CEO may have low wage staff but could turnover enough to be right on that 3% limit.

As I say, I've recognised (along with both Corbyn and May) that there's an issue of unfairness with CEO pay whereby a business does well and only the figurehead is rewarded. I think Corbyn's proposal is bollocks but that doesn't mean that all potential proposals are bollocks (and I think my proposals suck much less than his, although that's not difficult).
One point that most of you have missed is that he actually went on the radio this morning to dicuss his EU exit plans, half way through explaining what his (labours) exit plan was the interviewer simply asked him about capping the maximum wage. Jezza did not see the trap and started rambling on about this, he has not discussed it with the Labour Party, it is not the partys policy and it caught everyone by surprise.

He can't even stick to a script (about Labours EU exit policy) how the hell anyone thinks he could run a country is beyond me.
Depends what the companies turnover. The small business CEO may only be able to be paid ten times his average wage because his average wage is high. Big business CEO may have low wage staff but could turnover enough to be right on that 3% limit.

As I say, I've recognised (along with both Corbyn and May) that there's an issue of unfairness with CEO pay whereby a business does well and only the figurehead is rewarded. I think Corbyn's proposal is bollocks but that doesn't mean that all potential proposals are bollocks (and I think my proposals suck much less than his, although that's not difficult).

So now you are throwing turnover into it, you're a trier I will give you that.
One point that most of you have missed is that he actually went on the radio this morning to dicuss his EU exit plans, half way through explaining what his (labours) exit plan was the interviewer simply asked him about capping the maximum wage. Jezza did not see the trap and started rambling on about this, he has not discussed it with the Labour Party, it is not the partys policy and it caught everyone by surprise.

He can't even stick to a script (about Labours EU exit policy) how the hell anyone thinks he could run a country is beyond me.

What are his exit plans by the way?

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