MCFC seek feedback and opinions from fans


Well-Known Member
26 Apr 2009
I have been in conversation over the last several months with a chap called Richard Ayers over on Twitter and on email.

For those unaware of who Richard is he is a rather nice chap who also happens to be Head of Digital Services at MCFC. He is the reason why City do so much social media, apps and why the website is the best in the football business.

I contacted Richard as I have had an idea buzzing around in my head for some time, one which seemed so obvious that I couldn't understand why it hadn't already been done.

Apparently my timing was perfect as the idea had just been brought up in a management meeting and so it was already on City's agenda, although not at the top of the list. In fact Richard has asled me to find out of City fans would support what we had discussed.

So this thread, as well as one that will be appearing on, is the start of MCFC asking us all what we think about an idea they are committed to fully supporting.

This is, in essence the first draft and I am looking for feedback, constructive criticism and suggestions that we can include in the discussion and debate.

I will then pull together all the data and present it to City, via Richard Ayers - I will also make it available to anyone who wants it.

MCFC Book of Remembrance.

An online book of remembrance where all fans can have their relatives names and details included in a roll call of Blues who have passed away. (there is in all likelihood an administrative fe for this but it will be strictly not for profit).

There will be no restriction as to whose name can be added but there will be safeguards to make sure the site is not sullied by other teams fans. It will not be an automated system, all entries will be checked.

There will be an online, searchable database branded in association with MCFC. There will likely be links from all MCFC websites.

I would think that name, age, where from, favourite player, favourite game, where they stood/ sat as well as links to others who may also be in the database are the sort of details we would include but its not for me to decide that in isolation.

I am personally suggesting that membership numbers of fans who pass away should be 'retired' but remain in place - that is something I personally found distressing when dad died in April, the idea that I should let his membership lapse was a hard one to cope with at the time.

There is a possibility that there will be a screen at The Etihad for visting fans to search through, perhaps found near the garden of remembrance.

Whatever the final look and feel of the site is the idea is to allow fans to be remembered alongside the better known names of the players, manages and administrators of MCFC.

The club are very keen on Blues understanding that they are part of the clubs fabric and that should not be lost when they pass away.

I hope you all see value in the idea and I look forward to your feedback.
I think it's a good idea if done in the right way.

if it's crammed full of the cheese that's been drizzled all over some of the recent "fan experiences" such as the be part of it campaign then sorry not for me but if it takes on board what fans really want as a remembrance for their loved ones then yea cool.

Also, a Birthday message site might be good - where we get sent free blue shoelaces, a badge and a 256mb (wow) usb stick ;-)
When i'm gone i'm gone....

When my dad goes i'll remember him in my own way, city memories and everything else.

But if its your thing and it helps then by all means go ahead.
Good idea fbloke. Nice way for the club to honour those who've been with them a lifetime.

It's a delicate balance capturing the right amount of info and you seem to have that about right. Obviously goes without saying the thorny issue of charging a fee needs to clearly state it covers cost of running the 'e-book' as that could be hijacked and spun negatively. The club needs to be able to demonstrate the money goes to running it and nowhere else.

Finally (and again you already covered) security is paramount. I would be mortified if a family members entry was 'vandalised'.
strongbowholic said:
Good idea fbloke. Nice way for the club to honour those who've been with them a lifetime.

It's a delicate balance capturing the right amount of info and you seem to have that about right. Obviously goes without saying the thorny issue of charging a fee needs to clearly state it covers cost of running the 'e-book' as that could be hijacked and spun negatively. The club needs to be able to demonstrate the money goes to running it and nowhere else.

Finally (and again you already covered) security is paramount. I would be mortified if a family members entry was 'vandalised'.

I fully agree and if there was any doubt about security then it simply would be pulled.

The issue about how it is funded is a tough one and in order to make sure that it isnt seen as MCFC making money I would sugest that it will be a fan controlled site, fully supported (perhaps even financially?) by the club.
When my son died 4 and a half years ago, a family friend wrote to City asking if we could scatter some ashes in the Garden of Remembrance. They replied that we could and asked for a date and time we would be doing it. We turned up on the 5th September that year (his birthday) and I placed some and so did my sister. The City chaplain turned up and said a few words which was nice (though it brought back all the emotion of the funeral), but I was gutted to find that they had dug all the ashes up and dug them in again when they refurbished it last year (We know they are there, but we just don't know where now). We signed the Book of Remembrance in the main entrance at the time and earlier this year asked if we could bring some more of his ashes (just can't let them all go I'm afraid) and again, we will be going on the 5th September when he would have been 26. My question is, will they keep the books, or transfer the messages, or archive them do you know??
Delboy352 said:
When my son died 4 and a half years ago, a family friend wrote to City asking if we could scatter some ashes in the Garden of Remembrance. They replied that we could and asked for a date and time we would be doing it. We turned up on the 5th September that year (his birthday) and I placed some and so did my sister. The City chaplain turned up and said a few words which was nice (though it brought back all the emotion of the funeral), but I was gutted to find that they had dug all the ashes up and dug them in again when they refurbished it last year (We know they are there, but we just don't know where now). We signed the Book of Remembrance in the main entrance at the time and earlier this year asked if we could bring some more of his ashes (just can't let them all go I'm afraid) and again, we will be going on the 5th September when he would have been 26. My question is, will they keep the books, or transfer the messages, or archive them do you know??

I dont know TBH.

But I would hope that they would continue with any previous traditions and simply allow this idea to sit alongside everything else.

In truth If it were to threaten any previous memorials I would not want to be involved.

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