Media bias against City

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Frank and the Latics fan, Someone once said that the truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. That someone was Winston Churchill. On reflection he must have been a blue. :-)
I had a google yesterday to see how much Firmino was earning. Found nothing really, no wage predictions, no adding 5 years of wages to his transfer fee.

Found it a bit odd, obviously notice it with our players and wouldnt expect it to be highlighted as much with others. But not a peep.

I think it gets highlighted on the largest transfers as naturally the money involved is at its greatest. I did post this on the previous page regarding Di Maria when he signed for United.

Actually Herts Blue, David Ewings back eader and Waspish, to a lesser extent, have compared the two relative transfers and how the fees were reported. Nothing to do with a politicians answer.

People on this thread claimed the fees were not totted up in the same manner, including wages and so forth. I highlightd in numerous publications they have been. Since then rather than concede the point we are know arguing about context and claiming the use of the '100 milion' was to cheer United fans up after a defeat to Swansea.


as I said frank, a politician's answer
you see it was moomba who asked the first question regarding Firmino, generally as I said, and then you jumped on him with your reply
however he asked about this week, and you replied about last year with Di Maria
then you continued your strawman throughout the thread, even trying to tell me it was three other posters sir

you are clearly trolling again, i've even colour coded it for you to show how you twisted the question into the response you wanted and then continued with the response you were looking for and used it to brow beat other posters
i believe you to be a City fan, i just find it odd that you belittle the posters in this thread at every opportunity
Not sure if this has been posted elswhere in the thread but has anyone else seen the article by Martin Blackburn in today's Sun about the Sterling transfer? No I didn't buy it, was reading it in the butty shop whilst waiting for my beef barm and it's actually quite a balanced piece from him, so I nabbed it and brought it back home.

Was expecting City to be slated especially because of the it being in the Sun and how they are still trying to appease the scousers over Kelvin McKenzie's headline 25 years ago but the overall tone is very positive. There are a couple of little digs but that has to be expected for it to appear unbiased.

What I didn't expect was lines like "the 20 year old whizzkid is just what Pellegrini needs when you recall the problems his side suffered last season. He is English, young and rapid"

"The club will see Sterling one for the present AND the future - a player who could potentially shine for them for the next decade and ensure they get thier money's worth"

Regarding the sale of Dzeko and Jovetic he says"... it would leave Pellegrini with just Aguero, Wilfred Bony and the untried but seriously talented Kelechi Iheanacho - so Sterling would add to those options"

He finishes by thinking our potential starting line up next season would be:

Hart, Zab, Kompany, Mangala, Clichy, Fernandinho, Yaya, De Bruyne, Silva, Sterling, Serg.

Apologies for spelling, can't find my glasses.
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as I said frank, a politician's answer
you see it was moomba who asked the first question regarding Firmino, generally as I said, and then you jumped on him with your reply
however he asked about this week, and you replied about last year with Di Maria
then you continued your strawman throughout the thread, even trying to tell me it was three other posters sir

you are clearly trolling again, i've even colour coded it for you to show how you twisted the question into the response you wanted and then continued with the response you were looking for and used it to brow beat other posters
i believe you to be a City fan, i just find it odd that you belittle the posters in this thread at every opportunity

I really do not understand your point Squirty. I did respond to Moomba and highlighted that it is generally the larger transfers which get highlighted. I did not jump on him in any way shape or form, just responded to his post in a civil manner. I take all sorts of insults and rarely respond in kind. Today I have been called an idiot, to stupid to follow, I talk bolocks, had a feather and a stone caption. If anything I am being brow beaten not the other way round.

The actual first response, yesterday, in relation to Di MARIA was to The Third Deano who asked:

When was the last time a paper totaled up an entire contract and put it as the headline for a signing who not only has the wage not been released but a deal hasn't even been finalised yet?

That has since been followed today by:

So predictable by the mirror. But this is what we are used to and the fact they never add wages on for other teams just shows the clear bias there is. When the scum signed di maria for 59 million plus 280k a week wages plus 7 million in add ons they reported this in the story but headline was utd sign him for 59 million. Completly different approach to us though

we get more papers publishing it bit did see 1 headline when the scum bought De Maria but it was on the back page bottom 1/4 with the 130m deal

And the ToryGraph continues this morning with Sterling now costing £100m. Funny how the RagDipperMeedya always add in the wages for our players but only the transfer fee for everybody else! I don't remember di Maria getting the 'HOW MUCH!!!' treatment from journos and yet his transfer fee was 50% higher than Sterling.

So I have not set the narrative nor I have or twisted it. I have provided a counterbalance to the fact some posters believe wages and transfer fees only get added together in relation to City players. If you want me to stay off the thread just say so although it has been a good debate today and I do not see the problem. And yes I am a city fan and although I disagree with peoples opinions I never throw insults and am probably one of the more respectful posters.
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We've known this for years mate. I posted about how Sky had paid for the rent a mob MIBs outside Rooney's house when he was linked with us a few years ago. Sky even specified that the goons had to travel in a van!
Isn't that James Cooper in the all black tracksuit?
Not directly football related but has 2 common elements. 1) How stuff is made up and 2) The publication

Sorry for the verbosity but not my words.

How A Fake Viral News Story Wrecked Three People’s Lives
When Zdzislaw Mołodyński took photos of an accident in his home town, he could never have known how the British press would spin the story – or the damage it would cause. Read this piece in Polish here.

posted on Jun. 11, 2015, at 9:32 a.m.

Alan White

BuzzFeed News Reporter, UK

Reporting From Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland


Zdzislaw Mołodyński pictured at Lake Solina in May 2015. Alan White / BuzzFeed

Ustrzyki Dolne is a small town in southeast Poland, close to the Ukrainian border. It and its population of around 10,000 are about as far out in the sticks as a town could be. Nestled among the rolling hills of Bieszczady County in the Dniester River basin, it’s a quiet, tidy place, conservative both politically and socially.

In the centre, there are a few bars and shops and a little market square. It was at this square that Robert Woch, a middle-aged teacher and translator, and his wife, Iwona, the chair of a non-governmental action group, arrived on the afternoon of 22 December 2013.

They could never have known that their lives and reputations were about to be chewed up and spat out by the British media.


The Wochs at their home in Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland. Alan White / BuzzFeed

The Wochs had driven there from their home in a small village just outside the town called Brzegi Dolne. Like many houses in rural Poland, it has a large stretch of land out the back, on which they keep three horses.

As a sideline, the Wochs had recently opened a little business offering horse-drawn carriage rides for weddings and other special occasions. The idea was that they would dress as Santa and his helper and ride past the town’s Christmas market to give out sweets to the children. Not only would it be fun, but it would give their business a bit of publicity.

As they arrived in the town centre with their sleigh and costumes, they learned there had been a last-minute change to their route: They had been expecting to ride straight into the market square, but instead were to divert via a little one-way lane that cuts horizontally across the town’s main road. Before setting off, they asked someone to stop the traffic on the road so they could cross it more easily. In retrospect, that decision may have saved their lives.

As they began to head down the one-way road, some ice at the edge of the road made the sledge jump up and hit the horse that was pulling the cart in the back. The animal got scared, and bolted.

“The last thing I remember,” Iwona Woch tells BuzzFeed News as she sits in her living room, “is my husband telling me to cover my head.”

The horse shot across the main road, now fortunately cleared of traffic. Further down the lane, there was a steep set of steps. If the horse had continued galloping, the accident would have been far more serious. But fortunately the sled struck the edge of a brick hut, throwing both of the Wochs out. Iwona was knocked unconscious, but Robert was not.

As Iwona came round, she thought she saw someone taking pictures.


Alan White / BuzzFeed


Alan White / BuzzFeed

(left) The edge of the building that the sledge hit, throwing Robert Woch and his wife onto to the cobbles. (right) The set of steps that the horse almost bolted down.

On the day of the accident, Zdzislaw Mołodyński – a semiretired security guard – was walking around the Christmas fair in the town. In recent months, Mołodyński had begun to take more and more pictures. Like the Wochs, he’d lived in the area all his life, and he felt that the beautiful town of which he was so proud was somewhat out of the loop when it came to getting coverage in the Polish media. As a result, he’d started uploading his pictures to a website run by TVN, one of Poland’s biggest commercial TV channels.

He saw the horse bolt and the sled hit the corner of the building. He saw how close the incident came to being a tragedy, and started to take some pictures as the emergency services arrived. He uploaded them to the TVN site later that day, describing it as an “unfortunate accident”, and went to bed.

The next day, he woke up as normal and went out to get the paper. Suddenly, a friend charged up to him, angrily asking: “What the fuck do you think you’re playing at?” Mołodyński was baffled.

It was only when he went home and opened his laptop that he realised that something very strange had happened.

Loading up the website of the Daily Mail – the biggest English-language newspaper website in the world – he found it had published a story about the crash, using three of his pictures. They included one of Robert Woch lying face down on the ground in his Santa outfit and another of the emergency services taking Iwona away.

Mołodyński left a comment under the story and on the Mail’s Facebook page asking in broken English why his pictures had been used. He says that someone at the Mail deleted the comment from the Facebook page shortly after he posted it.

But it was when he found a Polish translation of the story on a website called that he realised what the story actually said – and quite how much trouble he was in.

The story, as he discovered, bore the following headline:

“Can you be DUI in a sleigh? Santa and his assistant come to grief after crashing into a wall during drunken sled ride through town.”


Mail Online

It described how “Father Christmas and his helper are facing drink driving charges after they careered round a Polish town in a sleigh and smashed into a brick wall”, and said the pair “lost control of their horse in a busy street in Ustrzykach Dolnych” (sic). It went on to report that police were “looking at pressing charges against the pair”, who were “supposed to be greeting children anxious to prove how ‘nice’ they had been that year”.

The first person quoted in the story was Mołodyński. The quote read: “It was quite extraordinary. They were supposed to have been an attraction at the local market and lots of people were taking their children there to go and see them.

“But instead they saw these two, who were clearly under the influence, behaving like they had just come out of a nightclub or something.”

The pair had apparently been singing carols and waving at passers-by, but “then a car started beeping them, which threw the horse into a panic,” Mołodyński’s quote continued. “It reared up and sent them smashing into the wall on the corner of the street. It was a mixture of ‘ho, ho, ho’ and ‘no, no, no’.”

The next quote came from a woman called Magda Dudzinska, who said: “I’m not happy they had a crash or are in hospital, but I’m delighted we didn’t get to meet them. Who knows what they would have done in that state. They were clearly in no state to deal with children.”

Finally, there was a quote from a police spokesperson called Dorota Głazowska, who said: “Technically, they were drunk while in charge of a vehicle on the road. We are looking at pressing charges.”

BuzzFeed News meets Mołodyński at a lake a few miles out of town, where he regularly spends time fishing with friends. He sits down wearily, takes a long drag on his cigarette, and begins to describe the impact the story had on him.


The centre of Ustrzyki Dolne in Poland. Alan White / BuzzFeed

“When I read it,” he says, “I was completely broken.” He knew how much damage such a story could do to people’s reputations in such a quiet, small, and proper community.

But the thing he couldn’t understand was that none of it was true. For a start, Mołodyński hadn’t given any quotes to any reporters. “I apparently said that they looked like they’d left a nightclub,” he says. “But there’s no nightclub in Ustrzyki Dolne. And it said I could smell alcohol on their breath – but I have no sense of smell after I had a bad allergic reaction to nicotine medication.”

It’s also hard to work out how a man who can’t speak English could have made a pun relying on rhyming “no” and “ho” – let alone when he’d just seen two people taken away in an ambulance.

It wasn’t the only problem with the story that appeared on the Mail website – or the near-identical versions on the Huffington Post, the Mirror, Metro, and many other aggregator sites. (The Mirror and Metro took their posts down after being approached by BuzzFeed News for this story, but archived versions can be found here and here, while the Mail’s is here.)


The Mirror


The Wochs with their horses at their home. Alan White / BuzzFeed

Dorota Głazowska-Krzywdzik (to give her full name), the police officer, had spoken to reporters. But she certainly hadn’t said the words attributed to her.


Dorota Głazowska-Krzywdzik at her desk in Ustrzyki Dolne. Alan White / BuzzFeed

“I was off then but was informed by the duty officer, as it’s part of my job,” she told BuzzFeed News. “In the afternoon TVN called me, as did a local radio journalist. They wanted to confirm that a horse had gone out of control – I merely confirmed that to be the case. They never asked me if the driver was sober.”

Głazowska-Krzywdzik showed BuzzFeed News a police report from the event. As part of standard procedure for such an incident, Mr Woch, the driver of the sled, was breathalysed. The report shows that he wasn’t drunk.

And as for Magda Dudzinska, the other person quoted in the story, no one from the local area has ever heard of her.


Dorota Głazowska-Krzywdzik outside the police station in Ustrzyki Dolne. Alan White / BuzzFeed

The key to understanding what happened to Zdzislaw Mołodyński lies in three words on the Mail story that appeared on his pictures in the place of the watermark showing they belonged to him and TVN. They read: “Central European News”.

Earlier this year, BuzzFeed News published an investigation showing how this news agency, normally known as CEN, harvests viral news stories from all over the world, often embellishing quotes or fabricating details in the service of making them more alluring or enticing reads, before selling them on to its eager customers in the English-language media, where they appear under its clients’ own bylines. (CEN refused to comment to BuzzFeed News for this story.)

Shortly after seeing the Mail’s story, Mołodyński wrote to the Polish ambassador in London, who complained to Paul Dacre, editor of the Daily Mail. Polish journalists, always keen to take issue with the British tabloid press’s representation of their people as uncouth drunkards, sought to repair the damage to the reputations of the people depicted in the story in a number of pieces. One of these was translated into English by a Polish journalist from Glasgow, Tomasz Oryński, who also provided translation services to the author of this article in Poland – and to Mołodyński when he made a successful complaint to Britain’s Press Complaints Commission (PCC).

As a result of the complaint, the Huffington Post removed its piece (although a video about the story remains live), as did the Mail, which published a brief correction. The Huffington Post told the PCC that it was CEN’s correspondent who had confirmed a “suspicion of drunk driving” with the police – though wherever this confirmation came from, it certainly didn’t come from the local force, as Głazowska-Krzywdzik confirms.

The same correspondent, according to the Huffington Post, claimed that Mołodyński’s original post to TVN contained the rest of the material, including the quotes, but that this had subsequently been deleted. Yet this seems astonishingly unlikely. The original content uploaded by him is still viewable here – and two hours later, TVN published a news post that confirmed Woch was sober. If Mołodyński did indeed make the comments attributed to him, then he uploaded and deleted them with such speed that TVN did not see them, yet CEN somehow did.

Indeed, when BuzzFeed News contacted TVN it was told the station did not receive a request from CEN to use Mołodyński’s pictures. A TVN spokesperson also said: “After the story that has been uploaded to [our website] by a user is checked and published as a news item, the user has no means to edit it. We can’t say, due to our new computer system, if Mr Mołodyński edited his story in the first two hours after he uploaded it to our system, but no respectable news agency would base their story on user-provided information without checking it first.”

For its part, the Mail told the PCC that CEN had said that there was “clearly some suspicion” Woch was drunk because he had been subjected to a blood alcohol test following the accident. It did not say where this “suspicion” had come from, or mention that Woch was in fact breathalysed, or that this was a standard procedure. It also said it had been told by CEN that the quotes attributed to Mołodyński came from the TVN website.

A spokesman for the Mail told BuzzFeed News: “MailOnline received a PCC complaint about a 2013 article which was subsequently resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant.” A spokesperson for the Mirror said: “This story was provided to us by a news agency and we had not received any complaint about it. However as soon as the information was brought to our attention we were happy to remove the article and clarify the issue in the corrections and clarifications section of our website.”


Zdzislaw Mołodyński pictured at Lake Solina in May 2015. Alan White / BuzzFeed

The likelihood, in all honesty, is that no one in the Mail or Huffington Post newsroom, or elsewhere, paid much attention to the story when it came across the wires. It was only a few hundred words, and a few amateurish pictures – just one of dozens if not hundreds of pieces that are pumped out by the viral news machine every day.

What none of them realised – and what brought BuzzFeed News to this remote part of Poland – was the damage their throwaway story would cause.

When Mołodyński read the Polish translation of the Mail’s “Drunk Santa” story, back in December 2013, he posted the story to his Facebook page in order to show how he’d been misrepresented. But it only made things worse by drawing more attention to the story within the close-knit community. A friend swiftly asked him to take it down.

He panicked, and began to look for help. He searched for the other eyewitness quoted in the piece, Magda Dudzinska. He found one person in the town with that surname; but, he says, “neither she, nor anyone else from her family had been at the Christmas fair”.

Part of the problem for Mołodyński is that Poland has extremely strict media laws – it is mandatory for news organisations to obtain approval from those being quoted. The idea that quotes could be distorted – or fabricated – was therefore a difficult one for many of his neighbours to process.

He asked the police to help, but there was little they could do. He wrote to TVN – “I begged them not to let me be hung out to dry” – but he got no response.

When BuzzFeed News asks what impact the story has had on him, Mołodyński gives a long sigh. “Between the story’s publication and February the next year, I never left the house. I didn’t even go to the shops.

“Then I went to a skiing event, my first time out of the house. I’d only been there for two or three hours when the abuse started: People called me a fucking wannabe reporter. I saw abuse appearing about me under the articles too, people writing things like, ‘Down with pricks like Mołodyński,’ and so on.”





He was scared to go out: scared, even, to check the internet. “I still can’t think about it and remain calm,” he says.

As a result of the stress, a doctor prescribed him medication. Then things got even worse: he learned that the Wochs were planning to sue the people responsible for defaming them, and they considered him to be among them. He sent them the original information he’d given TVN, but didn’t get an answer. It made him feel even more stressed. It would be fair to say, he tells BuzzFeed News, that his life has been wrecked.

It wasn’t much better for the Wochs. Both of them sustained knee injuries in the crash, and Iwona’s required surgery. Iwona also suffered concussion, and remained in hospital for a few days after the accident.
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