Media Discussion - 2023/24

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The UK media cow towing to the biggest set of shithouse fans in World football.

Welcome to the dystopia created by a scousephobia that has been perpetrated by the citizens of Liverpool upon the rest of society.

Its the culmination of a desire to protect Scousers from any form of criticism regarding their heinous actions of the past, present or future. They deny, deflect, obfuscate, project and wallow in the inequity of victimhood for any slight, defamation or finger of blame in relation to any negative matter associated with Liverpool FC or its fans.

Up to and including Heysel, they were fair game like any other fanbase who behaved like depraved morons, particularly theirs though, whose use of box cutters and craft knives was a well known speciality and the well documented "robs" across Europe.

At the time of Heysel they were lambasted and rightly so for causing deaths of Juventus fans by their actions and it was the climax of the hooligan problems endemic to the game at the time. European football authorities deemed it fit to punish the entirety of UK football clubs with a 5 year ban extended by a year for them. We can argue the merits and equity of that decision ad infinitum but that was how it was handled.

This was obviously a huge stain on LFC, they knew it and their reputation was massively damaged. Many of their allies then sought to mitigate that damage and defect the blame, "crumbling stadiums", whataboutery of the highest order, Chelsea fans and other garbage to muddy the waters of blame. Never the less legal responsibility for deaths was laid at their door and their fans.

The horrendous events of Hillsborough resulting in the deaths of 96(97) LFC fans is a huge tragedy in itself whose victims bear no blame. The decades long investigations, public enquiries and court cases have hopefully documented organisational and Police failings on that day as to where responsibility does lie. I doubt the loved ones of the fans that never came home feel justice has been served for their loss. Its my opinion that this disaster could have occurred to any club and its fans who made the semi-final that year and were allocated Leppings Lane end. We should be thankfull it wasn't us.

The controversy of Hillsborough was in its reporting in the media. Sensationalism and eagerness to pile in on LFC had false reports of thieving from the dead and that the overcrowding was somehow their fault, despite the contributory actions of West Yorkshire Police in reaction to poor crowd control. This sustained attack by the media comprised of supposition, lies and deliberate falsehoods to protect the Police and FA caused huge animosity in Liverpool and was seen as a deliberate slight on the very essence of scouseness and got the outrage, rebuke and distain it deserved. I'm pretty sure Mancunia would be equally outraged at similar treatment by southern based media wankers.

Since then however and due to the recognition of the media's culpability in those lies, any reporting of a discretion by LFC and its fanbase no matter how small brings a tsunami of indignation and denial. Reporting of facts can bring about terminations of employment for journalists. A lifetime of hate mail and death threats awaits any unfortunate miscreant. This of course has led to the Goebels like propaganda department of Scouseology where media apologists fawn over everything Liverpool where no word of disent from the party line or critic of action can be tolerated. I give you the Liverpool Echo and its media partners and affiliates.

It would appear even Merseyside Police Force investigate matters associated with them with complete indifference like the Gestapo would in dealing with accusations of black shirt violence perpetrated upon ethnic minorities. Failure to find any evidence in any investigation and matters quickly swept under the proverbial carpet whilst advocating the law courts make an offence of "provocation" for ethnic minorities who run away from black shirted officers. Their inability to locate scouse criminals committing crimes on film is somewhat akin to inspector Clueso without the laughs.

Every home crowd is partisan of course but their incessant whining about every perceived injustice is fucking nauseating. They booed Anthony Taylor all night accusing him of being a "Manc" yet he gave them 2 penalties, both arguably should have been overturned by VAR, one for Dias kicking Burn, initiating the contact and then deliberately falling over and the other the most blatant dive you will ever see by Jotta the renowned roller skater. The contact for this penalty several degrees less than that visited upon a Newcastle player in Liverpools box only moments earlier, with no review.

What a set of irrational tools they really are. If you ever have the misfortune to visit RAWK you will find an alternate reality where conspiracy and fiction intermingle like a complex dystopia. It's a netherworld of Trumpian logic, hate, vengeance and perceived injustice. A bile filled intellectually deficient morass of animosity.

They boo the national anthem and want Scouseland not to be part of England. This is about the only thing I can agree with them on. If that part of the NW broke off and floated off into the Irish Sea it would do us all a favour.

Happy New Year everyone except that lot.
Boom. What a summary KLF. Take a bow.
It’s always interesting to me how when a decision benefits us, the system is broken/corrupt and needs fixing and everyone’s angry.

But if it’s the red shit it’s turned into a joke, everyone in control laughs and says oh wow he shouldn’t have gotten that and it’s forgotten immediately.

If society is to ever be fixed, social media and the press need to be reigned on and fixed. Humanity has no chance as things stand
Won’t watch but had to have a look on YouTube after what ide heard Absolutely disgraceful and embarrassing yet they scrutinise our one at Everton for three days Bent as fk an getting worse Comical
Honestly all this wanking over their Xg from last night, I cannot take an article that uses that load of old nonsense to inflate liverpools lucky win seriously
The UK media cow towing to the biggest set of shithouse fans in World football.

Welcome to the dystopia created by a scousephobia that has been perpetrated by the citizens of Liverpool upon the rest of society.

Its the culmination of a desire to protect Scousers from any form of criticism regarding their heinous actions of the past, present or future. They deny, deflect, obfuscate, project and wallow in the inequity of victimhood for any slight, defamation or finger of blame in relation to any negative matter associated with Liverpool FC or its fans.

Up to and including Heysel, they were fair game like any other fanbase who behaved like depraved morons, particularly theirs though, whose use of box cutters and craft knives was a well known speciality and the well documented "robs" across Europe.

At the time of Heysel they were lambasted and rightly so for causing deaths of Juventus fans by their actions and it was the climax of the hooligan problems endemic to the game at the time. European football authorities deemed it fit to punish the entirety of UK football clubs with a 5 year ban extended by a year for them. We can argue the merits and equity of that decision ad infinitum but that was how it was handled.

This was obviously a huge stain on LFC, they knew it and their reputation was massively damaged. Many of their allies then sought to mitigate that damage and defect the blame, "crumbling stadiums", whataboutery of the highest order, Chelsea fans and other garbage to muddy the waters of blame. Never the less legal responsibility for deaths was laid at their door and their fans.

The horrendous events of Hillsborough resulting in the deaths of 96(97) LFC fans is a huge tragedy in itself whose victims bear no blame. The decades long investigations, public enquiries and court cases have hopefully documented organisational and Police failings on that day as to where responsibility does lie. I doubt the loved ones of the fans that never came home feel justice has been served for their loss. Its my opinion that this disaster could have occurred to any club and its fans who made the semi-final that year and were allocated Leppings Lane end. We should be thankfull it wasn't us.

The controversy of Hillsborough was in its reporting in the media. Sensationalism and eagerness to pile in on LFC had false reports of thieving from the dead and that the overcrowding was somehow their fault, despite the contributory actions of West Yorkshire Police in reaction to poor crowd control. This sustained attack by the media comprised of supposition, lies and deliberate falsehoods to protect the Police and FA caused huge animosity in Liverpool and was seen as a deliberate slight on the very essence of scouseness and got the outrage, rebuke and distain it deserved. I'm pretty sure Mancunia would be equally outraged at similar treatment by southern based media wankers.

Since then however and due to the recognition of the media's culpability in those lies, any reporting of a discretion by LFC and its fanbase no matter how small brings a tsunami of indignation and denial. Reporting of facts can bring about terminations of employment for journalists. A lifetime of hate mail and death threats awaits any unfortunate miscreant. This of course has led to the Goebels like propaganda department of Scouseology where media apologists fawn over everything Liverpool where no word of disent from the party line or critic of action can be tolerated. I give you the Liverpool Echo and its media partners and affiliates.

It would appear even Merseyside Police Force investigate matters associated with them with complete indifference like the Gestapo would in dealing with accusations of black shirt violence perpetrated upon ethnic minorities. Failure to find any evidence in any investigation and matters quickly swept under the proverbial carpet whilst advocating the law courts make an offence of "provocation" for ethnic minorities who run away from black shirted officers. Their inability to locate scouse criminals committing crimes on film is somewhat akin to inspector Clueso without the laughs.

Every home crowd is partisan of course but their incessant whining about every perceived injustice is fucking nauseating. They booed Anthony Taylor all night accusing him of being a "Manc" yet he gave them 2 penalties, both arguably should have been overturned by VAR, one for Dias kicking Burn, initiating the contact and then deliberately falling over and the other the most blatant dive you will ever see by Jotta the renowned roller skater. The contact for this penalty several degrees less than that visited upon a Newcastle player in Liverpools box only moments earlier, with no review.

What a set of irrational tools they really are. If you ever have the misfortune to visit RAWK you will find an alternate reality where conspiracy and fiction intermingle like a complex dystopia. It's a netherworld of Trumpian logic, hate, vengeance and perceived injustice. A bile filled intellectually deficient morass of animosity.

They boo the national anthem and want Scouseland not to be part of England. This is about the only thing I can agree with them on. If that part of the NW broke off and floated off into the Irish Sea it would do us all a favour.

Happy New Year everyone except that lot.
Early contender for Post of the Year!
I've seen frequent claims in the media that City are likely to 'get off' because we have the money to hire top lawyers to defend us. It seems not to have occurred to any of these clowns that we might just have had the money to engage top lawyers to ensure we didn't breach the rules in the first place. Indeed, we did reportedly do so, hiring employees of UEFA's professional advisers who'd been involved in drafting the FFP regulations.

Journalists bang on about bullshit concepts such as 'loopholes' and the 'spirit of the rules', as if there's something inherently tawdry or grubby about our working to achieve our objectives within the context of FFP. I've even seen the odd supposed Blue on social media take this line. Bollocks to that. If vested interests in football create a regulatory framework designed to protect the established order and saw us off at the knees, we're absolutely entitled to circumvent those rules in any lawful manner we can find.

So, if you want to have recourse to international legal, accounting and financial rules and standards to try to mould a regime to stop us, we'll be peerlessly smart in safeguarding our position by applying solutions found in to international legal, accounting and financial practice. There's no doubt that we've done that in ways that our opponents didn't expect. However, while we stand accused of having gone further and having seriously breached the rules, persuasive evidence to this effect in the public domain is pitifully scant.

The media attitude was virtually unanimous when the original allegations were published in Der Spiegel that the evidence in those articles constituted unimpeachable proof of City's guilt. In their risibly hysterical coverage, I don't remember even one of the gaslighting cunts noting that seeking to work around regulation isn't the same as planning to breach it, or acknowledging that the discussion of a course of action doesn't necessarily entail that course subsequently being taken.

We've had five years now of this frenzied and fundamentally mendacious coverage, in which even issues such as the CAS verdict have been presented by the media with implacable dishonesty. Now, if it does turn out that there's evidence not yet publicly available to indicate that City are guilty of some of the more serious charges against us, then fine - we'll be punished accordingly and will deserve it. The point is that the media, in the utmost bad faith, wants us convicted irrespective of whether the evidence justifies it.

The media coverage - pretty much literally all of it - over the last several years has been utterly deplorable in its sickening chicanery. It's created a febrile atmosphere in which all hell will break loose if the proceedings don't end with City expelled from the PL or, at the very least, suffering a severe points deduction. It's shameful that this should be the case given the facts about the case that are currently in the public domain.
It's January 2, and already this is the post of the year. Excellent, as usual. Well done and thanks.
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