Media Discussion - 2023/24

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What a stupid fucking question from the PL.(c*nts)

No doubt the Scouse Social Media army will win the vote for couldn’t hit a barn door.

Fuck me, its a sunday morning ffs, most normal people are having a lie in and enjoying a warm pair of tits (or abs) snuggling beside him.

this **** has probably been up since 4am havin a wank to stock reports on bloomberg
He displays many of the tell-tale signs of a habitual user of gear.
'sportingIntel' is one of the most ironic usernames on that platform. Very little of his output is based on Intel or fact. The vast majority of it is just made up drivel and bitter opinion.

Sportingincel would be a more apt name - but then again, that could be applied to any of these so-called journalists.
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