Media Discussion - 2023/24

Sky will do a minute of commentary free, while these fucking sewer rats belt out their shitty little jingle. Cut all microphones at the City end, then suck the dippers unwashed cocks and balls for 2 hours. All City VAR decisions will be viewed off screen, then we will duly be told it's gone against us. We will get the first booking. Some things never change at Cultfield. We will have to banjo these inbred sycophants to get anything today. GET TO WORK BLUES.
Genuine question, why do journalists have such a high opinion of themselves?

Henry Winter said to Sean Custis something on the lines of "we are in a bubble away from the real world."

Sorry but what bubble exactly are you in other than one contained by your own delusion Henry? Not that it matters but journalists aren't paid much so how are they not connected with the real world?
Because their writings dont reflect reality.
I think what Fordy is saying is these "journalists" let their personal feelings write articles rather than professional feelings if you know what I mean.
You only have to look at the tripe Delooney and loony Harris come out with, is that a journo doing their job or is it a couple of nut jobs expressing their bitterness towards us?
I know which one i would choose.
I mean of course the journalists let their personal feelings form their writing, they’re not robots and they’re not exactly writing about hard hitting serious issues. Also at The Athletic the model is literally ‘fan journalism’.

On Delaney, people wildly overthink it. He trolls City & Newcastle fans as they engage and drive revenue for his stories and thus his employer. He used the same model on United fans, writing stupid transfer rumours to get clicks until they universally ignored him and he looked for and found a new cashcow.
I'm very concerned that any chanting about tragedies will be gleefully misrepresented by the scousers and their client journalist sycophants.
So, in view of that we must be clear on what we are protesting about at the game when chanting.
I suggest "You killed people at Heysal, You murdering cunts"
That leaves the journos and scouse fans with no misinterpretation of the message.
Agree the chant of "Never you fault" was intended for the Heysel murders but the Dippers turned it around to Hillsborough , typical of their victim metality, a specific song referring to Heysel is required for all football fans not just us. They should never be allowed to forget Heysel out of repsect for the 39 Juventus fans who died that day , the day Dipperpool place a statue next to their Hillsborough memorial naming all the Juventus fans who died at Heysel they might redeem themselves in some small way , but this will not happen because they are ashamed and want to airbrush Heysel from history.

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