Media Discussion - 2023/24

The English Red Shirt football media still blowing (net spend) smoke up Jurgen's arse.

Note how United are not mentioned or included in the pictures.

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I couldn't give less of a shite if we've spent over five billion in the past five seasons. Net or Gross.

The amount of silverware we've accumulated, the style of football we play and the overall points haul over the last ten years has been nothing short of miraculous.

Fuck the bitter hacks and their red top bias. Our continued success is absolutely killing them.

Comment posted by mal123, today at 06:12mal123​

Real Madrid once again given that little bit of 'assist' from the refs. The same thing that happens all too often for Man City in the Premier League. And that is precisely why City are regular failures in Europe! No 'assists', no trophies!

This was in the HYS BBC !!! I have seen some beauts in my time but the sheer lack of awareness in the above defies belief.
The Bell end is effectively saying we don’t win in Europe because Madrid cheat but he doesn’t see the irony :-)
Playing Devils advocate a bit here.

I can understand why opposition fans assume we get help from the officials. (As a MCFC fan, I personally find it insulting to my intelligence when people claim we get a helping hand from the referee).

The issue is one of perception and perspective. The broadcasting media and written press have worked tirelessly over the years to portray MCFC as the proverbial pantomime vilans. We're treated with contempt and distain.

This constant drip, drip narrative seeps into the psyche of the masses who then believe that the only possible way MCFC can achieve anything of merit is by cheating.

I have a similar problem with the rags. I've lost all objectivity and logical reasoning as far as they're concerned.

I regard myself as a relatively open minded individual however, because I hold nothing but venom for that cesspit of a club I'm blind as a bat to anything remotely positive they may do.

This is the same (I think) for our rival fans.
They can't see the wood for the sleeze.
Had my reply to the complaint I made on yesterday’s bbc article. Turns out it’s all the fault of other View attachment 118069
They also used inflammatory language such as “cheating, kicked out of the premier league“ and said Guardiola commented when it “suited him”. Really low rent trolling shit.
I couldn't give less of a shite if we've spent over five billion in the past five seasons. Net or Gross.

The amount of silverware we've accumulated, the style of football we play and the overall points haul over the last ten years has been nothing short of miraculous.

Fuck the bitter hacks and their red top bias. Our continued success is absolutely killing them.
What they fail to mention is Klopp won fuck all before he went big in the transfer market.
What they fail to mention is Klopp won fuck all before he went big in the transfer market.

That doesn't suit the media narrative.

What we need to keep in mind regarding the modern game of football is that there are two things happening simultaneously: what's actually happening on/off the pitch and what the media report is happening.

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