Media Discussion - 2023/24

Winter kept saying....."have they broke any rules?".

Custis says "No, but they circumnavigated it, a rule brought in to protect young vulnerable African players from being exploited"

Winter: "So you are suggesting this young white14 year old, guided by wealthy American parents is being exploited?"

Custis: "No, no no but the rules are the rules"!

Winter again: "Did they break any?"

Conversation is then swiftly shifted to the 115!
And what was said about the charges.
Another one of his hard hitting pieces ignores the fact that driven men/managers don't even think about the work/life balance like women do. Choices are choices.

But he writes for a comic like the guardian.

He’s a cricket man. Middle class tosser that hates football yet somehow he gets the gig to write about it.

Would bet my life that he had never set foot in a football stadium prior to him being employed to write about it.
That is 100% Guardian material. I'm guessing they site 'Wellbeing' in the article somewhere as well. The yogurt knitters will love it.

People on the left don't read the Guardian.

It's why no one reads it and it's business model is fucked. No idea who they are actually aimed towards.

It just seems to be a place for people who hate themselves and their life go to write/moan about everything.
I had the displeasure of stumbling across that Liew article this morning. Amongst the deluge of inflammatory nonsense littered throughout, this paragraph caught my eye:

"There is a school of thought out there that City is a club driven by grudges and enmities, fuelled by antagonism and spoiling for scraps at any opportunity. Perhaps this is true at a boardroom level, or on the wild frontiers of the internet, where City fans remain unrivalled in their capacity to nurture conspiracy theories and illusory slights, desperate to be hated."

Sadly Liew is too much of a coward to allow comments on the article, but we all know he and his peers can't stay off Bluemoon...

I don't know any City fan that's desperate to be hated, we don't need to be, it is evidence enough when we scroll through social media passing multiple posts obsessing about our attendances, or read a once credible newspaper, as it criticises the conduct of our supporters.

Liew and his peers seem determined to somehow try to undermine City's achievements in order to placate their partisan readership, but their influence is minimal and their short-sightedness is wildly missing the bigger picture. Football is a global game and City are the hottest ticket in town. Note the comments of recent City Group youth signing, American teenager Cavan Sullivan "I always watch Man City. They're like every kid's dream team." Liew and co, read that and drink it in...

I got chatting to a Leicester fan on the train today. 55 year old bloke who loves what City is doing. He asked about the charges & laughed when I explained it & said he can’t wait to wind up the bin dippers who go on about it.

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