Media Discussion - 2023/24

They are writing articles to get a rise out of this thread. When will more people figure this out, along with posting tweets and articles that get thousands upon thousands of impressions that then ultimately draws in revenue, viewer numbers and sadly at our expense LOL's for them!

You think the press are writing articles just to get a response on this forum? Really?
I agree with this, send 25% of all Premier League TV revenues to the lower leagues and divide the balance by 20, so every Premier League club gets an equal split, cancel parachute payments. Clubs that qualify for European competition can keep that TV money for themselves.
Nice recipe to destroy the Premier League, the quality would fall, top players would go elsewhere, European money would diminish as other Leagues get stronger.
BBC Sport. They ask 2 players, both of whom played for Arsenal. Both unsurprisingly say Arsenal.
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Really rankles with them this latest bottle flop. That and being always viewed on a par with laughable Spurs, less successful in Europe than West Ham, not fit for any comparison with Chelsea's achievements.
All they've got is their season of boring draws and 1 nils. Yay the Invincibles!
Very vociferous on social media as you'd expect of Islington's finest - but no substance.
Not winning the league anytime soon.
As the CL final approaches, I was just thinking again, about the comparison between ourselves and Real, as they bid to win the CL for the 15th time.

By definition the 'Galatico' concept has been based on (if not) paying exorbitant fees then always massive wages. The controversies of the training ground sale, tapping referees etc, debt and how the funding/prize money distribution is heavily weighted in their favour. Then finally, how it is definitely NOT boring when they win titles year after year.

Compare that to our treatment, in the press. It doesn't piss me off now, more just a wry smile at how the masses will swallow the shite served up without questioning anything.

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