Media Discussion - 2023/24

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I’m on the I-pad and where, every week there’s a table, it’s not been there since we went top. Could be an international thing as not seen for a couple of week’s, as they’ve shown different tables below the games.

Basic stuff, not sure why you’d get so angry about it?
The table wasn't there before we played either. I looked right after the early game.
Absolutely disgusting chants. Stupid idiotic misguided kids. Hope they get banned and battered. Wankers.
Just a ban will suffice IMHO. But they have let the club down big time. You certainly can't get away with this sort of behavior these days when everyone posts everything on social media.
The club haven’t helped themselves here,yes it’s wrong and distasteful but putting out the statement only highlights it more and gives the media another stick to beat us with and it’ll be viewed as large sections of our fans chanting,instead of a handful of knob heads,the club should have remained quiet and let it blow over now it’ll be all over all forms of media and tarnishing all city fans over what was a very small group ..

At the end of half time, in SS level 1, there was about 25-30 young lads singing ‘Bobby in a box’ and ‘jelly and ice cream when Bobby dies’ and jumping around dancing. The match had already started at that point, and there wasn’t too many people around to see it. They all looked pretty young and pretty drunk. At some point in the second half in SS level 1, about 100 people sang ‘Bobby in a box’ but didn’t get it going fully. They tried on a couple of occasions though. That came from a select few possibly in 115,116 and 117

The UK sports media do there very best to vilify our fanbase, so I’m not surprised we’re seeing articles that suggest, the whole stadium was singing songs. I’m sure other areas of the ground had no idea, and even areas of the SS would’ve had no idea. But the media will do absolutely anything to tarnish our name. As you say, as a club we’ve played right into their hands by even suggesting we will ban people. As we’ll have to do it now and it opens up a can of worms which might result in some crazy shit, over the next 10 years.

Now, although I don’t condone those chants, as I think it’s distatesful, like you say. I find it very hard to believe, the club should ban people for singing a song, which isn’t racist or homophobic, just distatesful. We literally sing many songs that could be classed as distasteful, and have for decades. Often these songs are sung with either a hint of banter, being offensive to try and be funny, fishing to get a rise out of our competition, sometimes due to stupidity, and sometimes due to genuine hatred. I’m sure these lads now regret it and I’m sure they feel pretty stupid, I’m certain had they known this would happen, they would not have done it. But they were that young, I find it hard to believe they had much dislike for an ex Utd player from the 60’s. From what I saw it looked like they were just being daft young kids.

If we ban these people now, there’s a lot of questions to be answered. How are fans supposed to know what songs can result in a ban? Are the club going to look at our entire array of songs and tell us what we can and can’t sing? Are they going to tell us if using certain words will result in a ban? What’s classed as too far and what isn’t?

I don’t want City or football, to become a place for massive snowflakes, offended by everything, where they hand out bans, like sweets. If you go to a football match and you’re easily offended, going to the games might be a bit stressful for you.
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First I've heard about these Bobby Charlton chants. I heard nothing at the match Saturday, so bit of a shock getting in work and hearing about it in the 10 second news slot on the radio. But a quick read on bluemoon and it seems like it was a group of 4 or 5 lads. Yes bad taste , but we live in a society where people will say stuff to be shocking. Still not right, but blame the media and all their "snowflake" crap.
But I agree this as been made ten times worse by the club making that statement. Surely a quick "The club are investigating, and again the club send their condolences to the Charlton family" would of done.
For me the club are too quick then it comes condemning the fans, and not as quick in defending them.
I sometimes wonder if some people In our PR department are actually rags. It certainly feels sometimes that the club either don't understand the fan base, or choose not too. They always seem extremely quick to come out and rather than defend us they seem to want to distance themselves from what we are accused of. They seem to love sending out apologies to all the msm. Some of the shit we get is disgusting. I sometimes wonder if they are even aware of this.
First I've heard about these Bobby Charlton chants. I heard nothing at the match Saturday, so bit of a shock getting in work and hearing about it in the 10 second news slot on the radio. But a quick read on bluemoon and it seems like it was a group of 4 or 5 lads. Yes bad taste , but we live in a society where people will say stuff to be shocking. Still not right, but blame the media and all their "snowflake" crap.
But I agree this as been made ten times worse by the club making that statement. Surely a quick "The club are investigating, and again the club send their condolences to the Charlton family" would of done.
For me the club are too quick then it comes condemning the fans, and not as quick in defending them.
What did the statement say?
Have we as fans ever been backed by the club?.
As soon as the media try to dirty us the club immediately apologise.
Playing into the hands of the haters time and time again.
Just don't feel a bond anymore
Exactly what was trying to say in my post about this. You actually did a better job of articulating it.
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