Media Discussion - 2023/24

They are using Everton as the Guinea pig as to what they can try get away with hanging onto City. The difference is Everton didn’t just fail FFP, they exploded it with the losses they made. City are getting fucked over for £30 million payed toward a sponsor over two seasons, and also payments to Mancini before FFP came into existence in the Premier League.

It would be piss funny if they gave us a sanction of a 12 points deduction and City then went on to win the league by 13 points.

On Everton if this is happening, how does financial fair play work to keep clubs in business then the Premier League attaches a sanction to them that could see them in some perilous trouble in the coming years if they get relegated.
I fear this a lot. Tolmie mentioned it on twitter that Everton feel there is agneda against them. This is new low tbh even with millions they have to act shady to get on top.
Every week. See my post above to peter.evans regarding "If You Hate Man United Clap Your Hands" and "Oooohhh Pablo Zabaleta, he is a fucking manc" chants.

We had a decent debate yesterday and you made some valid points but wow, today you're claiming that you can't think of a single club whose supporters chant offensive words apart from United.

"The city is ours, fuck off back to London, the city is ours."
"Something's happening, happening to me, spent all my money on drugs and City."
"The Scousers' dream had fucking died." Did you hear any of these at matches over the last couple of seasons?

Leeds fans sing about Jimmy Saville, Liverpool fans sing about 'Manc bastards', Tottenham fans sing about being 'Yids', Arsenal fans sing about Tottenham being 'shite'...
I wish you'd keep your reply in where I made my statement which wasn't the media thread but the Bobby Charlton one, then I could find it easier. I had to go back and my rather heated post/reply was not to you but to some stiff fingers idiot or somebody.

I didn't say no club chants offensive words occasionally but the rags do it consistently. That nick nack paddy whack song is their main song and they sing it frequently every game. In fact I hardly hear them singing anything else.

The rags and their fans are the worst in the country, well okay on a par with the scouse scumbags, two cheeks of the same arse. You won't find an argument from me in respecting Bobby Charlton but the rags, never.
They are using Everton as the Guinea pig as to what they can try get away with hanging onto City. The difference is Everton didn’t just fail FFP, they exploded it with the losses they made. City are getting fucked over for £30 million payed toward a sponsor over two seasons, and also payments to Mancini before FFP came into existence in the Premier League.

It would be piss funny if they gave us a sanction of a 12 points deduction and City then went on to win the league by 13 points.

On Everton if this is happening, how does financial fair play work to keep clubs in business then the Premier League attaches a sanction to them that could see them in some perilous trouble in the coming years if they get relegated.
I’ve said that previously, that whatever points deds we get, we win the league by one more point. And pay the fine with coins found down the back of Mansour’s many sofas.
Are the English Champions of Europe and Treble-winners playing tonight?

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Nope, guess it must be the also-rans and used-to-bes.
That was just what I was going to ask. All we get is that we are playing on an artificial pitch and Pep says it is what it is and we went early to train on said pitch!! Disgraceful
It would be piss funny if they gave us a sanction of a 12 points deduction and City then went on to win the league by 13 points.
I feel that they are waiting to see how far ahead we get e.g. 15 points and then they will deduct us that many points plus an extra 3 to be on the 'safe' side!!

Or am I getting cynical in my old age??? :-)
I wish you'd keep your reply in where I made my statement which wasn't the media thread but the Bobby Charlton one, then I could find it easier. I had to go back and my rather heated post/reply was not to you but to some stiff fingers idiot or somebody.

I didn't say no club chants offensive words occasionally but the rags do it consistently. That nick nack paddy whack song is their main song and they sing it frequently every game. In fact I hardly hear them singing anything else.

The rags and their fans are the worst in the country, well okay on a par with the scouse scumbags, two cheeks of the same arse. You won't find an argument from me in respecting Bobby Charlton but the rags, never.
I cant understand how people get so wound up about Nick Nack Paddywack, our version in the sixties, UNITED Georgie Best has got VD. Think the chants today vastly less offensive than the 90s. Back then we would sing about Munich, the morals of Beckhams wife and the legitimacy of his children, adviseing Giggs to f**k off to Pakistan. I cringe today to think what i used to sing particularly in the pub. In those days we were vastly more offensive about the rags than they were about us, back then most of their venom was reserved for the scousers and to a lesser extent Leeds. We will get dogs abuse on Sunday and pay it back in spades at the Etihad it was ever thus. Doesnt sound like a trip to the swamp is as dangerous now as back in the day, but in all honesty as i dont go can only go on hearsay.
I could be wrong but I don't think there's anything in law that deals with defamation of a fanbase group, either slander or libel.
That's why I started the sentence with "Might be fanciful" as I'm not a legal expert.
Telegraph reports that Neverton are subject to a 12 point deduction for breaking FFP ....

....Same report goes on to mention City.

WTF has their alleged missdealings got to do with us?
And according to them, the charges include every season up to and including last season ! 3 reporters have put their name to the joke of an article.

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