Media Discussion - 2023/24

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The only sensible question came from a female journalist, I think she's a Brazilian, so it shows just how low British journalism has sunk. I don't normally listen to press conferences, but I would if more like her were asking questions.
Xenophobic and misogynistic, impressive :)
The City angle in the papers today focus on 2 things - that Utd reserves comments and Peps apology for 2 dickheads.
Front page of the Times sports supplement and it takes three of their finest constructing a piece regurgitating the comments that some pox-faced non-entity made to some Uruguayan radio station.

This is how far these client churnalist, bought-and-paid-for arse-licking media lickspittles have sunk.

Pitiful really.
When you think about it, it’s not surprising that they link our players with moves away the week coming up to the derby…after all…our players are shit hot, theirs are just shit…
The only reason the derby game is a big game tomorrow is because the best team in the world is playing , if we were mid-table like the Rags it would just be a local skirmish with bragging rights at stake , the Premier league should be thankful that our presence still makes their red 'istree clubs relevant , and how do they repay us ? Just the 115 charges and rising.
I hate this whole defence of they just need educating, its bullshit same as it is with tonali, these are grown ups earning an exorbitant amount of money, if they choose to be wilfully stupid when they have the best resources in the world available to them then why should anyone feel sorry for them. Tonali isnt addicted he just got caught, garnacho doesnt need educating he just got pulled up this time and these are the two examples this week.
I hate this whole defence of they just need educating, its bullshit same as it is with tonali, these are grown ups earning an exorbitant amount of money, if they choose to be wilfully stupid when they have the best resources in the world available to them then why should anyone feel sorry for them. Tonali isnt addicted he just got caught, garnacho doesnt need educating he just got pulled up this time and these are the two examples this week.
Hasn't Onana come out and supported Garnacho ?
Cannot remember if Mendy publicly gave Bernie his backing ?
If Mendy did not support Bernie, it could have contributed to Bernie's sentence ?
mendy publicly supported bernie, bernie was tried by the media
He did. And he was. It was an absolute fucking disgrace the grief he got for a totally innocent tweet. It may have caused offence but absolutely no malice was intended. When did being offended become the worst thing in the world?
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