Media Discussion - 2023/24

Agreed. The old "nation state owned" line rolled out as fact, did this "journalist" contact the club for comment and/or clarity on that point? If not, ban the scouse c*nt.
The “nation state” phrase is a racist trope. It suggests Sheikh Mansour can’t make his own investments. It implies that “all Arabs are the same.” Carragher is just a racist liar.
Blunt Instrument of Media Bans

Banning some of the media has been much discussed on this forum. The pros, the cons, or just wanting retribution have been put forward by many in different terms. Do we embrace them, try and love`em, work with them or fcuk`em?

The out of towners across in Trafford have decided on the latter approach, again.

This is part of what Sam Wallace, a Chief Sports Writer, has said today -

"Those who use the blunt instrument of media control that is banning newspapers do so on the basis of a presumed power dynamic that, with his current track record, and Manchester United’s current position, simply does not exist for Erik ten Hag.

The bans issued by United on Tuesday to various media were a bad move. One notes United’s explanation that stories should first be run past the club yet, with this reaction, the embattled Ten Hag has turned a one-day story into a long-running saga with the potential to become more toxic.

The bans for Sky Sports News, the Daily Mirror, ESPN and the Manchester Evening News appear to have flowed from a manager’s wish to wrestle back control, and one cannot blame him for wanting that. Yet this is one battle he and the club would have been better served avoiding.

There is much written about Sir Alex Ferguson’s appetite for banning media, a pretty inglorious era all said, when newspapers and journalists – myself included – would have been better served standing together. Nevertheless, the Ferguson approach of the early 2000s, before the traditional media’s digital revolution, before social media, and before the advent of the footballer as mini-corporation in his own right, are utterly redundant in the modern landscape.

Ten Hag might as well have his players running up and down terraces or passing round a restorative half-time Woodbine. The old rules do not apply, and one doubts whether they were ever that effective anyway.

The bans handed down under Ferguson never stopped what he saw as unfavourable coverage, as Ten Hag will find out. "

The above extract is quite insightful.

Liverpool FC are probably the one club that does exercise some form of `control` over the media. There are historical reasons and of course, the FA Cup Semi Final at Sheffield. Despite all their many well known indiscretions, LFC still get away with so much.

For many of today`s `journalists, writers, and social media contributors, it is all part of the game. Most of them are still `lads`who get paid to watch footie and have trips to big matches abroad. They do not really care about who or what they write about as long as it garners interest.

This, combined with institutional bias, self interest, and a lack of accountability, is what is impacting on City. These days it is also about stimulating reactions and clicks to justify advertising income. Banning the worse culprits usually results in those excluded doubling down on self justification as we have witnessed.

The Treble Winners have to keep on winning and building our power base. This is probably the best answer.
Whatever Sam Wallace thinks being banned doesn’t help the career of any hack. The mainstream media is dying on its feet and clubs will increasingly treat them with contempt. Wallace is bluffing.

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