Media Discussion - 2023/24

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Oliver Holt in the Mail sticking it into Haaland today. Basically saying how much longer do we have to put up with the tantrums of pampered multi-millionaires.

Slimy **** nailed his colours to the mast decades and decades ago, and yet still he has that platform to continue his anti-City agenda.

Tantrums of pampered multi-millionaires is really such a slimy, weaselly dickhead way to describe what happened. I'd bet a million pounds Oliver Holt has never played football, even casually for fun. Your adrenalin is high and even among mates playing for fun, tempers flare very often.

In a high stakes game with so much on the line and a very very obvious mistake by the ref to cheat City out of a chance to win the game is a legitimate reason to not only be upset but question the ref. Not a single team anywhere in the world, at any level, would react any differently to a situation like that where the ref ended the game prematurely while a teammate is through one v one to win the game.
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Is the correct answer. In my industry (property finance) I have a 70% success rate of calling the winners at awards dinners.
I know a business owner who spends several thousand a year literally buying these sham awards in her particular industry (tourism)
The rats at Media City want Haaland punished...

Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

Have the BBC gone too far? Ridiculous OTT response from them, posting the same question 19 times, to enable them to get the same frothing foaming negative reaction.

14:54 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

14:02 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

13:38 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

13:03 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

12:53 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

11:50 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

11:34 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

11:20 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

11:01 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

10:49 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

10:41 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

10:33 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

10:18 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

9:59 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

9:52 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

9:44 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

9:36 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

9:25 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?

9:11 4 Dec
Get Involved - Did Haaland go too far?
Oliver Holt in the Mail sticking it into Haaland today. Basically saying how much longer do we have to put up with the tantrums of pampered multi-millionaires.

Slimy **** nailed his colours to the mast decades and decades ago, and yet still he has that platform to continue his anti-City agenda.
He need to learn to spell ; there's no "H-A-A-L-A-N-D" in "Rashford"
Yes I agree, but none of them are prepared to be the first ones to break the mould and adopt a whole different stance and narrative with their reporting on united.

Well we seen today that the scum and Ten bob has banned a few of the media from the swamp for a few negative articles! Fuk me we would have no one at our press conferences if we started banning the media for negative articles!
It hasn’t changed a bit in 15 years - in fact and it’s getting far worse.

Newspapers in a physical form won’t exist in 20 years. They will exist online but hacks will be replaced by AI running pieces based on algorithms that pander to the red clubs more than ever.

If you have a newspaper like say the Mail , which online runs say 40 times more articles on red clubs than the treble winners then that won’t ever change.

The broadcasters at Sky and TNT are doing exactly the same and getting worse every year.

We haven’t broken the cycle despite having the greatest manager in the history of the game , clearing up all the trophies so thinking it will ever change is wrong
What's happening in the media is there is an increasing number of people who actually know nothing about football and don't even care about what's better for football. That's because they see football as a business and not a sport, they don't care who wins the league every year, they only care about who pays them. The rules follow this too because the historic rich and powerful clubs are most able to influence the rules, often because as with United they have directors literally sitting on the panels that make the rules. The funny thing is even United fans hate their own directors and ownership so these people do not stand for what's best in football.

If the media wanted to do its job then why don't they challenge the effectiveness of FFP and the obvious corruption? They won't do it because it doesn't pay to challenge the people that are best placed to pay their wages. They instead churn relentless crap about city and FFP but they never challenge FFP itself or why it's actually terrible for football.

More clubs are going bust and so clearly FFP doesn't work and yet it still exists, they don't even challenge how FFP is clearly the wrong tool. They should be challenging why the Premier League just sold £7bn of rights to Sky and the lower struggling clubs will see less than 1% of it. Those clubs only see that money if they get into the Premier League and so why wouldn't they take even more risks to get there? FFP just keeps them in their box.

Either way there is a massive hypocrisy, city are the focus of talk on fair play but why does the media never question how Barcelona can even continue when they can't pay their players and hold £1bn+ of debt? Why is Barcelona's debt not a problem yet citys fully legal accounting practices are a problem?

There is corruption in football at a massive scale and it's just a fact that the media is deeply embedded within it. I'd say that the footballing aspect of the media aren't, the pundits for example are often quite fair to us and that's because they're footballing people. However the people that hold the money and those that can therefore influence narratives certainly are deeply involved.
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I actually have got over all the shit a long time ago, we have a lot to thank these wankers for.
Pep came for 3 years and here we are going into 2024 and he's still going strong, in fact I watched his match of the day interview and he just gets better - just laughed and said it is what it is.
How can the media keep making up polls and awards that are set out to make Pep look nothing special, when anyone who knows anything about anything knows he's better than special.
Rags now gone 10 years since winning the league and dipper's 1 in 32 years, fuck me the media deserves awards for persistence.
Just think if they had just gave him the credit he deserves and blew smoke up his arse he might have gone in 3 years.
Nope I think Pep fucking loves challenge of making the media look stupid, it stops him getting bored.
Few years back it was he's fuck all until he wins the chump's league, now that's done I think Peps is responding to the largest squad challenge ( I could do without this one myself) and he will get us over the line again.
The media knows until our world wide fan base is able to sustain them in clicks then the next option is to slag us off which brings in revenue from dippers and rags.
Just look at BBC have your say and nothing but rags and dippers ranting on about charges and cheats, neutral fans compliment us are soon bullied out of it, city fans try to argue but it's not worth it.
Anyway big thanks to the media for being responsible for the greatest manager staying so long.
P.S. don't forget to vote for the scruffy fucker in his club shop freebies if it's "The best manager" in the last 10 years.
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