Media discussion - 2024/25

Most mines were uneconomic, loss making, overmanned and under productive.

Like the railways, motor manufacturing and town halls they were infested by militant union left wingers/ communists....Remember Liverpool ??

The Union leaders didn't give a fuck about good men doing their best, they wanted control without accountability.

Workforces & families were sacrificed by Scargill, Robinson etc on the alter of hopeless ideology whilst they lived in comfort at union's expense.

Scargill should've been sent to the tower !!
Sure there is a politics forum for this stuff, pretty please
Not quite media as such, but these cunts are at it again…
I’ve not brought a pizza from them since the 115 free pizzas for united fans and never will again.

2 of their last 5 tweets have been about City too. Think their PR department needs sacking as all they post about is football.

Fair play to them, PR department nailing their colours to the mast.

Completely alienate a fanbase (so less consumers), and that will only lesson when they annoy someone else.

Flawless business plan.........
That’s one way of looking at it…… but that’s what was printed in all the newspapers.
Because in many cases in several nationalised industries it was often true.

Good men,families and communities sacrificed by ideological vandalism including many close to where I live in South West Yorkshire.

Scargill, who lives very,very comfortably on his union pension,is detested by many who have seen the light !!

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