Media Thread 2017/18

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dont they do that to every team? just for click bait!!

de gea

harry kane

delle alli

zaha to tottenham , arsenal or chelsea from my perspective.

Ok maybe you get it a bit harsher than most - but fck the media dudes (just let it wash of your back) You may be seeing more BUT it's only because you are the best team! it comes with the territory.
They do mate yes but I'm not bothered about anybody else if I'm honest.
Get in the real world. There has been a Ronaldo wants Rashford and Kane to Real story all over the papers this week. Why would you expect it to be different for KDB. Its for clicks and happens to all highly rated players not an attempt to undermine us.
Can I just stop you right there. Rashford and highly rated players shouldn't be appearing in the same paragraph.
Just a note for future reference ;)
Can I just stop you right there. Rashford and highly rated players shouldn't be appearing in the same paragraph.
Just a note for future reference ;)

Ha ha Fair comment. Think I need to get in the real world also. You get my point though.
Ha ha Fair comment. Think I need to get in the real world also. You get my point though.
Yeah pal I get your point. It's not just us it's everyone.
Whilst we're on the subject of spuds have the press not mentioned that Madrid are currently playing rubbish, 7 or 8 pts off the pace In their league and Tottenhams display was mainly down to real putting in a below par performance?
Yeah pal I get your point. It's not just us it's everyone.
Whilst we're on the subject of spuds have the press not mentioned that Madrid are currently playing rubbish, 7 or 8 pts off the pace In their league and Tottenhams display was mainly down to real putting in a below par performance?

I agree with that it is everyone. Just the way they work. Bit tough on Spurs. Agreed Madrid have not reached the heights so far this year but won 4 on the bounce including an away win at Dortmund. I think Spurs deserve a lot of credit for that result. We would be the first to moan if the press belittled such a result, eapecially you
I agree with that it is everyone. Just the way they work. Bit tough on Spurs. Agreed Madrid have not reached the heights so far this year but won 4 on the bounce including an away win at Dortmund. I think Spurs deserve a lot of credit for that result. We would be the first to moan if the press belittled such a result, eapecially you
Ha ha I don't know what you mean sir.
Any result away at real is a good result. Spurs are a great team, very pleasing on the eye but too reliant on Kane in my humble opinion. I think that was what pep alluded to when he called them the Harry Kane team. Take him out and they are a completely different animal.
Ha ha I don't know what you mean sir.
Any result away at real is a good result. Spurs are a great team, very pleasing on the eye but too reliant on Kane in my humble opinion. I think that was what pep alluded to when he called them the Harry Kane team. Take him out and they are a completely different animal.

Be interesting to see how they cope without him for a spell. I must admit I think Eriksen is a fantastic player also and they did have a decent goal distribution amongst players with Alli, Son, Eriksen bagging a few.
To be fair lads - being impartial (i can hear the fck you's lol) - and i mean no offence - just stating what i have witnessed....

"There was a conscious decision not to name the club the goalkeeper (whose save contributed hugely to winning the penalty shoot-out) plays for. You don't need to be a genius to work out why."

sounds a bit paranoid mate - no disrespect at all- who's to say you are not right, but i see no bias- but I am not looking for it. I saw the under 17 game though the goalie was awesome - saved a goal and smashed the next in!!! takes balls.

I am mildly pleased about Kirby scoring the last - i dont care if palace was mentioned or not though

I'm sure you mean no offence, so I'll take none, but unless you take a particularly keen interest in the way City are reported on especially by the BBC i really wonder if you are able to put this particular incident in context.

The BBC - particularly but not exclusively through social media - have in recent years taken a large number of potshots at City. Mostly they take the form of little digs and sly innuendos but sometimes it is less subtle. There is a whole thread relating to a complaint to the BBC made in relation to one such dig (if you are interested, put 'Complaint to BBC re Pete the Badge' in the search box and read into it further.) There are many other examples - some serious, others trivial beyond belief - in the 460 pages of this thread, which incidentally began in the close-season. There is a BBC journalist called Simon Stone whose pieces about City almost always contain such digs and innuendos, and even though City were utterly brilliant last night he was at it again last night during the BBC's live feed. Again, put 'Simon Stone' into the search box and you will find many examples of the same sort of thing. There are a number of similar examples, which many City fans are quite frankly pissed off royally by (especially given that the BBC as a state-funded broadcaster has a legal obligation to be impartial in all matters). And of course the contrast with the way United are portrayed by the BBC is particularly keenly felt.

Opinions vary as to why this is so. Some take the view that for click bait reasons stories favourable to Manchester United and/or critical of Manchester City will always attract more website traffic, and the BBC is in that respect no better and no worse than any other traffic-chasing website; maybe the large number of fawning documentaries shown by the BBC about United related matters supports this view. Some take the view that there is a large number of United supporting employees at BBC Sport and that rather than anything more sinister this is just the product of simple tribalism from United fans in positions where their tribalism has an outlet. It's fairly well documented that Simon Stone, having used him as an instance, is a United fan, which may explain some of his output, but that may also have something to do him being treated like a complete idiot by pep Guardiola at press conferences. There are those who think there is no bias whatsoever, but frankly there aren't that many who think the BBC's reporting of City is broadly fair and even handed. Whatever its cause, most City fans regard the BBC's reporting of City with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

As to the matters City fans complain of, many do not seem, in themselves, to be particularly major issues. Yet as with any systematic pattern of behaviour, when you look at individual examples in isolation the individual complaints can appear trivial or petty but that is to ignore the wider context, without which it is impossible to view the thing properly. A drop of water looked at in isolation is a drop of water, but it is something else completely when viewed in the context of chinese water torture treatment.

So when an article about the U17 World cup refers to Jadon Sancho, and refers to the club he plays for, and refers to Kirby's winning penalty and mentions that he is a Palace player, but refers to the goalkeeper's outstanding performance without mentioning that he is a Manchester City player, you do wonder why that particular editorial decision was taken. Was it a deliberate snub? We'll never know, but against a sustained background of sly little digs, biased comments and the like, you might not find it surprising that City fans (who are probably a lot more attuned to notice this than you are) assume the worst.
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