Media Thread 2017/18

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Sorry if already posted but the despicable anti-Pep article written by Stan Collymore in the Daily Mirror today (Tues) needs to be seen to be believed. Fortunately almost every reader comment is critical of his views. Feel free to respond to them and help put him firmly in his place.
Did it last night straight away. I'm surprised it hasn't been taken off lol
Would this be the same Stan Collymoor who campaigned to have De Jong banned after his tackle on Newcastle's Ben Arfa, but now says its all part of the British game. Maybe Stan is a racists who thinks its okay for British players to do it on foreign players but foreign players aren't allowed to do it in our British game.
Totally disgusting any which way was that not a straight red ?

Not certain but I think the ref can let the FA know he made a mistake thus allowing a retrospective decision to be made.
Simply to stay silent surely says something about this particular ref.. I know the red was given later in the game so probably no further action can be given but if justice was seen to be done etc......
Shouty Jim, Miss Piggy and Swanson are getting overexcited, almost to the point of hyperventilating, about the approaching transfer deadline. I haven't seen people this excited since the Christmas Eves when my kids were 6 or 7 years old.
In truth, if the media (certain parts of them) had any scruples, they'd be ashamed.

SSN this morning decided to show the most expensive "current" prem league side.

Emerson in goal, 3/4 defenders...VVD the exception.
2 midfielders.
6 City players
Only 3 for the rags.

However, this was playing a 4-2-3-1 formation.
So actually, depending on the formation, you can twist this one of many ways.
It was all pointing to City spending money.
Yet, no mention that the 4 most expensive signings (VVD, Pogba, Lukaku, Martial) weren't City, and 3 of the most expensive, are Rags.

One of those items where you can move it to suit the message the broadcaster wishes to deploy to the viewers.....the message is clear.

City are the bad guys...the rags are the good guys, and simply can't be put down in any form.....ah well...shit happens... sadly, we have to live with it.
One day a broadcaster will have the bollocks (as does Martin Samuels) to air the truth, one day broadcasters won't be afraid of the "establishment", one day......maybe.
Here we go...

Operation get Dinho banned begins.....

I expect he'll receive the same leniency from the FA as Luke Carcrew got for his double bollock buster.
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