Media Thread 2020/21

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Even Samuel is wide of the mark in this piece. The liason officer is more likely to be helping the 14 year old academy player and his parents settle in.
The comments from the idiots (I can't spell neanderthals) shows the jealousy and stupidity of fans.
Is this a guess or do you actually know something about the vacancy?

I don't think he said anything unreasonable there, in fact it makes perfect sense and he's given actual examples and insight. The Negredo example was news to me. I would have thought we already have someone like that at the club though.

Also, I get the impression that some player agents are relied upon for some of this stuff and that is something I would like to see addressed. The modern day player's reliance on greedy agents in the game.
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The headline on the back page of the daily mail shows Arsenal celebrating the first goal last night & bleats out about no hugging.


A TV recording actually shows 8 of them hugging kissing & jumping on shoulders immediately before this foto.

This is lying & manipulation big style. It makes you think what do they do for the rags & dippers ?
Lying and manipulation are the words. Unfortunately in this other world of the modern media there is no shame or embarrassment in being caught out being heavily involved in it.
Bloody brilliant band . Can’t wait til we can go to gigs again, I’m definitely going to take the missus to see Cassia if they play Manchester Academy when all this virus shit is over.
Not heard of Cassia so decided to google them. Sound very varied as one of the styles of music was described as 'childrens music'? This immediately puts me in mind of The Toy Dolls and their punky 'Nellie the Elephant' or Korn reciting 'Mary had a little lamb and London Bridge is falling down' over some full on Metal riffing! ..probably don't sound anything like either I'd imagine!?
I really like Samuel but I don’t like how he’s named and shamed Leicester’s player liaison officer there.
Cardiff's you mean? I don't think he was pointing the blame, I took it as him saying a traditional liaison officer is not always enough for some players.
Wow, spit the dog is such an aggressive, nasty little man. He's absolutely determined to catch Neville s eye after the second goal but he won't give him the satisfaction.

Is it me or does spit look to have a healthy pallor at the start of the video but towards the end he looks like he's got seriously high blood pressure?
In his defence, (can't believe I'm defending the spitting prick) I think he was trying to get his attention about the possibility of it being chalked off for a foul on the keeper, thinking that maybe he'd spotted something the other two clowns hadn't. Rat-boy just seems to acknowledge him with a "yeah, I've seen it and I'm going to talk about it" wave of his arm.

However, I agree, he's got a proper antagonistic, aggressive look about him throughout. Can't stand the arrogant fucker, looks like he's got a huge chip on his shoulder for whatever reason.
I spent part of the first working day of my life in The Palace, almost 30 years ago to the day.
I spent many a Saturday night in the double seats on the back row of the cinema trying to get a grope with the usherette flashing her torch when she thought people were going too far.
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